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Inner Serenity
Inner Serenity
There's an inner serenity that I've gotten at age 56. It came from a dream I had last night. In the dream I was talking to a girl on the phone, thinking about what it would be like to start a relationship with her. I'd have to go with her to her house, meet her parents, get a glimpse of what it would be like to grow up in her home. Then I'd have to reciprocate. Something I'd never done so I'd have to explain to her that she's the first girl I've ever taken home to meet my parents.

Of course, we weren't talking about any of this. I was just thinking about it as I talked to her. She wasn't my girlfriend. Not yet, anyway.

Debi Powers was the name of her big sister. The phone call was ending, and I closed by telling her I'd see her in school the next day. There was an awkward silence on her end. Like she couldn't even acknowledge the fact that we'd see each other in school the next day.

I woke up and remembered I was married. I got out of bed and was headed for the stairs to ask my mother how it's possible that I'm married, yet still going to high school. On the way I passed my parent's bedroom and saw that my mother was still in bed holding a cloth over my father's forehead. A small girl was lying near their feet, with a baby bottle in her mouth. My mother said something to me about her still being there, and handed her to me so I could take her downstairs with me.

Then the dream ended and I was lying in bed next to my wife. It took a moment's thought to answer the riddle in the dream. When I get up each morning I don't go to school. I remembered that I instead go to work.

What a relief!

A feeling of serenity came over me as I realized I exist in a world of comfort. As I laid there in bed my wife reached over and put her arm around me. I held her hand, and realized she was still asleep.

I was thinking that sleep apnea had, for many years, robbed me of my serenity. CPAP therapy, after just a handful of months, is giving it back to me. Maybe for the first time in my adult life.

I took off the mask and headed for the coffee machine. It's Saturday. A day off from work.

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RE: Inner Serenity
(04-14-2012, 10:18 AM)Sleepster Wrote: There's an inner serenity that I've gotten at age 56. It came from a dream I had last night. In the dream I was talking to a girl on the phone, thinking about what it would be like to start a relationship with her. I'd have to go with her to her house, meet her parents, get a glimpse of what it would be like to grow up in her home. Then I'd have to reciprocate. Something I'd never done so I'd have to explain to her that she's the first girl I've ever taken home to meet my parents.

Of course, we weren't talking about any of this. I was just thinking about it as I talked to her. She wasn't my girlfriend. Not yet, anyway.

Debi Powers was the name of her big sister. The phone call was ending, and I closed by telling her I'd see her in school the next day. There was an awkward silence on her end. Like she couldn't even acknowledge the fact that we'd see each other in school the next day.

I woke up and remembered I was married. I got out of bed and was headed for the stairs to ask my mother how it's possible that I'm married, yet still going to high school. On the way I passed my parent's bedroom and saw that my mother was still in bed holding a cloth over my father's forehead. A small girl was lying near their feet, with a baby bottle in her mouth. My mother said something to me about her still being there, and handed her to me so I could take her downstairs with me.

Then the dream ended and I was lying in bed next to my wife. It took a moment's thought to answer the riddle in the dream. When I get up each morning I don't go to school. I remembered that I instead go to work.

What a relief!

A feeling of serenity came over me as I realized I exist in a world of comfort. As I laid there in bed my wife reached over and put her arm around me. I held her hand, and realized she was still asleep.

I was thinking that sleep apnea had, for many years, robbed me of my serenity. CPAP therapy, after just a handful of months, is giving it back to me. Maybe for the first time in my adult life.

I took off the mask and headed for the coffee machine. It's Saturday. A day off from work.

I can feel where your comming from, my dreams have always been a sense of enjoyment but for my apnea it robbed me. These days I seldom dream but when I do it does give me a strange feeling. Not sure if its serenity but I do try to understand them. I guess being on nightshift for 10 years doesnt help. Dreams have always held a fasination even when I was a child and I dont mind if its a scary one although my catcher usually sorts them out. Nice story...Thanks for that. Thanks

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RE: Inner Serenity
Sleepster, thanks for posting. I recently have started to feel the same sense of serenity and being safe when I lay in my partners arms prior to sleeping. I think it does come from getting truly restful sleep and is gradually seeping into my waking hours now that I'm using the ASV.
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