1) Does CPAP suppose to change your inspiratory flow shape from abnormal to closer to normal? (I included 2 screen shot 1st one is awake, the shape of the flow graph look normal with rounded shape, 2nd screen shot is when I am asleep/having OA it has the ramp up then drop off closer to a class 6 from this table https://www.apneaboard.com/wiki/index.ph...lasses.png) Please ignore the cheney stoke (I was awake just gone to bathroom then just put the mask back on - I think it was a fault report, it looks super weird and the machine gave 0 pressure)
2) Does AHI below 5 already matter that much? if I came from AHI of 22. I don't really believe in chasing 0. I have noticed most of my OA event happens when pressure is less than 8, so I have made the change as of today to my pressure of 8-20 instead of the default 4-20.