I have been using the sleepyhead software for years on Linux.
I just now discovered it has been replaced by Oscar.
First; thank you for making a Debian version available and not just a Ubuntu version.
I use MX Linux and the last time I installed I had to install a version of Ubuntu just to run Sleepyhead on.
That was bothersome since my previous install was the Debian version.
There was a lack of consistency of versions available.
MX Linux is very popular right now and is based on Debian, so in the future I hope you will keep the Debian version available.
I noticed in the instructions it said to install with sudo.
I do not usually use sudo to install stuff.
In MX and in the former Mepis linux which MX is partially based on, the method of installation would be to download the Deb file and install with the GDebi package installer. So I will try that first.
I guess I could use sudo, are there any advantages to doing it that way over using GDebi?
I guess I am going to have to think about the method I use to bring my old files over, but I will figure it out.
I don't visit this forum very often.
Thanks again for Oscar.