I am new to the forum- I just had an at-home sleep study and received the following results, which are a bit difficult to follow at a few points.
I have been suffering from allergies/sinus issues which are worsened when I lay down to sleep at night. I am very prone to nasal congestion and frequently have a "stuffy nose." I had several occurrences where I woke up feeling like I had been holding my breath. I wasn't gasping or coughing and it was always related to sinus issues because I would awaken with a stuffy nose and still couldn't breathe well, even when I had gotten out of bed.
I also want to mention that I didn't sleep well any of the 3 nights of home-testing due to my husband snoring, my child coming into my room durin the night, and just generally not being comfortable wearing the plastic nose breath sensor, chest clip, etc. I was also recovering from a sinus infection at the time of the test and I do suffer from anxiety (I was feeling anxious about the test and didn't feel that I slept well during the test because of this)... I have since recovered from the sinus infection and do not have issues with daytime sleepiness or other symptoms associated with sleep apnea- I feel pretty well rested when I wake up each day...
I am a 36 year old female non-smoker with normal blood pressure; I am 5'3, 119 lbs BMI: 21.1
My results were:
Total recorded sleep time was 319 minutes - recorded oximetry time: 294 minutes
Total number of hypopneas (4%): 2
Total number of Apneas (obs and cen): 39
Average apnea (sec): 18
Apnea index (obs and cen): 7.9
Total number of Central: 34 (I didn't have electrodes during this home test, so I am not sure how "Central" would be measured here, as it is my understanding that Central Sleep Apnea is a neurological disorder...)
Apnea max dens. index (>10 min): 43.08 (not sure what this is)...
RDH (AHI, REI) 4%: 8.3 (I am not sure what the 4% means here)
Total number of hypopneas: 85
Hypopnea index: 17.3
Central Apnea index: 6.9
RDI (AHI, REI): 25.2
My Baseline Oximetry was 98% and I had 8 desaturations with the lowest being 93% for 6 minutes- 98% of the time, I was between 95-100.
Pulse rate: 78
Any thoughts or assistance on interpreting would be really helpful.
Should I request an in-lab test? I am just not sure how accurate at-home sleep tests are in full diagnosis, given my sleep disruptions due to other people in the room, sinus infection, etc.