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RE: Intro
(06-14-2015, 07:17 AM)OpalRose Wrote: Welcome SleepyWabbit,
Please do not accept a machine that is not a fully data capable auto CPAP!
Call your doctor now, and have him send a script to the DME stating exactly what you want. Also be sure you have a humidifier with heated hose.

Don't wait for the DME to call you. They are going to give you a "brick" as we call it here. They like to pawn off older machines. You have a right to the latest machine out there regardless of insurance, which by the way, they pay the DME the same for a CPAP or an Auto CPAP

Inform your doctor that you will keep it on the straight setting he wants, but you don't know what your future needs will be, and an APAP just makes sense.

I've been through this nonsense with Doc's and DME's. It's harder to get it changed once they give you a brick.

I'm calling my insurance tomorrow to get more information on their requirements and to see if the DME I was refereed to is still the right one. Then I'll call the Sleep Doctor to see if I can get a copy of the prescription. Thanks to this board and the links I've researched from both boards and Google, I have a pretty good idea of what I want and will definitely make sure I don't get a "brick". I've been working with computers for 20+ years and will be playing with "sleepyhead" and other software, so definitely want something that gives me good data.
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RE: Intro
(06-14-2015, 01:09 AM)TyroneShoes Wrote:
(06-13-2015, 10:32 PM)DeepBreathing Wrote: ...a lot of sleep docs prefer to have their patients on constant pressure...

So what are these docs thinking?

Is it possible that this is just legacy-holdover from when a xPAP could not do anything other than a fixed pressure? And that some docs are just stuck in the past with their thinking? Are they carrying flip-phones and pagers? Wearing bell-bottoms? Using dictaphones and typewriters? Butter churns? It's 2015, and we've had APAP for some time now. WTF?

I don't understand why the major manufacturers don't just stop making these brick CPAPs, and make APAP (which can be configured as CPAP) the basic machine in their product lines.

I'm not going to diss sleep doctors simply because I met one and I guess I wasn't interesting enough since I was passed off to a PA. Given that most people I've met who have or had an xpap know little about their machines, I would say that's a clue. They don't want to know, so doctors may tend to lump all patients into that category.

Let your doctor know that you want an auto cpap because it gives you the information so that you can monitor your own therapy. If s/he gives you argument, remind him/her that diabetics monitor their own therapy regularly - it's not rocket science. Average people can do it and you have a program that will allow you to do so. That way, if problems are coming up, you can figure out if it is the mask or REM or something else. I mean, how is he or she going to manage it without any information?
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RE: Intro
(06-14-2015, 03:04 PM)SleepyWabbit Wrote: I'm calling my insurance tomorrow to get more information on their requirements and to see if the DME I was refereed to is still the right one. Then I'll call the Sleep Doctor to see if I can get a copy of the prescription. Thanks to this board and the links I've researched from both boards and Google, I have a pretty good idea of what I want and will definitely make sure I don't get a "brick". I've been working with computers for 20+ years and will be playing with "sleepyhead" and other software, so definitely want something that gives me good data.

Quick followup:

I Spoke with my insurance and they don't care which machine I get as long as the doctor OKs it. I have a small deductible then they cover 80/20. My 20% is on the insurance agreed price and the DME should NOT be allowed to charge an upgrade fee for a better system. They also told me I have the option to use Apria or Lincare in addition to Rotech, so I have a couple backup DMEs.

I spoke with ASM and their current preferred machine is the PRS1 Auto. Okay

When I asked about full data, ASM said they were set up to pull the data directly from the machine, so I don't know if they will be monitoring my compliance for the insurance, or the DME, or both. Of course I don't mind the doctor monitoring the data so they can be aware of my progress.

I spoke with the DME (RoTech) and they are still processing my paperwork. They don't have any appointments available until the 25th or 1st week in July. Oh-jeez
She said they are moving to a multiple people orientation to help assist more people, but I can request a one-on-one if I want. I don't mind the multiple people because there is a good chance they will ask questions I didn't think of.

Ok, so maybe this wasn't so quick, but I'm getting there.
Should I buy a wifi SD card now or wait until I get the machine? Cool
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RE: Intro
How will you determine you are not getting a brick?

Yes this is a trick question.
I use my PAP machine nightly and I feel great!
Updated: Philips Respironics System One (60 Series)
RemStar BiPAP Auto with Bi-FlexModel 760P -
Rise Time x3 Fixed Bi-Level EPAP 9.0 IPAP 11.5 (cmH2O)
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RE: Intro
geez, the choices of DME's you have are well ____________________________________ (you can fill in the blank)

I had the phone number ready to Resmed when I went to get my machine and I called them with the serial number, etc. and asked then to verify what machine it was and when it was sent to the DME. I was NOT going to end up with a brick or a machine that was not capable of having a range of pressures.
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RE: Intro
read up on what the model number should be... all PRS1 are not alike. You want Model 560 or 561 (CDN) unless they prescribe BiPAP - you'll want Model 760 or 761 (CDN).
Dedicated to QALity sleep.
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RE: Intro
After some back and forth with the insurance, I'm finally picking my APAP machine tomorrow. DME wanted to give my a PRS1 Pro, but I pushed for the Auto. Hopefully that will be the one I actually pick up.

The insurance has no problem paying for the xPAP as long as I have all my paperwork ducks in a row. That is where I ran into some problems. My regular PCP refereed me to American Sleep Medicine and I called and scheduled a sleep study. Where I messed up is I didn't set up a consultation with the sleep doctor first. After much back and forth, I was able to get my PCP to submit the original referral to the DME and UHC accepted it and approved my xPAP. I'm not sure why ASM couldn't submit the referral with everything else. Then some back and forth between me, Rotech, and ASM to convince Rotech that my script specifies the DS560TS. (PRS1 Auto with Heated Tube). Now to make sure that is what I actually get tomorrow and start the next phase of my journey.
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RE: Intro
Yeah, finally got my PRS1 Auto today. Is it crazy that I am looking forward to finally starting my therapy tonight?

I had an appointment to pick up my machine yesterday. The DME set up a group appointment where 4 of us were introduced to our xPAP machines at the same time. They did this at my sleep doctors location instead of their location. This was fine with me as my sleep doctor is about 15 miles away instead of 35 miles. :-)
First thine I did was check my box to see which machine they brought. Of course it was the PRS1 Pro instead of the PRS1 Auto. I spoke with the clinician after the group was over and let her know I wanted the other machine. She tried to convince me that the Pro was better than the Auto and I didn't need the Auto because my doc wants me on a specific pressure anyway. After a little more discussion, she agreed to take back the Pro and to deliver me an Auto to my home today. She dropped it off a couple of hours ago and apologized about the snafu and said it was a miscommunication between her and the other clinician I spoke with on the phone.

Either way, I have the machine I want, though without the heated tube. Not sure I need it, but it shouldn't be to hard to get the conversion kit latter if I decide I want it. I have my wifi SD card in the machine, Sleppy Head and Flash Pap set up, and I'm happy to be able to start the next step of my journey.
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RE: Intro
glad you got your machine and the one you wanted. here is to a great night of sleep with no problems.

shouldn't have been any snafu between the clinicians. All it takes is to read the script.
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RE: Intro
Two nights in and I'm trying to decide if I've seen any improvement. I had trouble falling asleep and I still feel a little tired, though I usually have more trouble falling asleep on the weekends anyway.

My AHI was 4.3 Saturday night and 4.9 last night, which is much better 45 I had with my initial sleep study.

The only other issue I had was dry mouth. As I stated in previous posts, I have severe allergies and am a mouth breather. I find myself wishing my FFM had a straw attachment similar to what my old gas mask had back when I was in the Army. Grin

I'll have to read over some posts and see what solutions I can find.


As for my data, I picked up a FlashAir card and set it up in "Station Mode". Currently I'm using FlashPap to transfer the data to a share on my network. I then manually transfer the data to the SD card that came with my PRS1 so I have it if I have to take my SD card to the doctors, and to upload to SleepMapper.
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