(03-19-2024, 03:29 PM)BoxcarPete Wrote: If you have auto start/stop enabled, the machine will turn itself off when the mask is removed.
The "for her" setting gets mostly negative reviews, as does "soft" response. Standard generally provides the most effective therapy, but if you find that fast increases in pressure are waking you up and a high maximum pressure is a requirement for you, it's possible to try the others and see if they help. Otherwise, you could restrict the maximum pressure so that it doesn't rise so much, and this may be the best solution for you. I wouldn't worry too much about these in your case, as you are showing very few remaining obstructive events.
No, I don't have auto start/stop enabled. It just runs. I have no partner, so it's not bothering anyone. So, when I put it back on, it will just continue to run at whatever pressure it was when I took it off? Like, if I was at 8, it will still be at 8?
I see my response setting says soft, but I can't find the "for her" setting. I thought I saw it once, but it has disappeared.
I am accustomed to waking 2 or 3 times every night, thinking I must need to go to the bathroom, getting up, going back to bed, falling back asleep. I assume it was actually the apneas waking me because I didn't really have to go that much. This pattern is still continuing.
My start pressure says 5. My range is 7-14. (It was originally 4-16 which seemed too wide., so I narrowed it. Bad idea?) Which one is my "minimum" and which one is my "ramp?"
So far, I seem to land somewhere around pressure of 8 most nights. It doesn't seem like much pressure. I'm lying flat on my back. Supposedly that is supposed to make me need more pressure. I have been exhorted NOT to lie on my back.
I wonder, am I not really falling deeply enough asleep to have obstructive apneas? Apneas would trigger the pressure to go up, right? Maybe the pressure only goes to 8 because I am not asleep enough? I don't suppose there is a way to figure out if I am asleep or just dozing.
Thank you.