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I used my A10 Autoset for 11 months until I travelled and picked up a PRS560 on the cheap when visiting the US. What I had found on the A10 was that it was very responsive to apneas and acted rather promptly in stopping them. My pressures were average 8, 90% 10, and peak 14.8.

The PRS560 is only different in its peak (with me using it) is maybe 11 and whilst my AHI is only 0.5-2.5 with the PRS560 (total AHI rarely got above 1 with the A10)

The downside of the A10's responsiveness to apneas was I encountered more leaks with the rapid increases of pressures. Typically the pressure would jump from 9 to 12 or up to 14. Using Sleepyhead it's quite clear the leak happened with the increase in pressure.

I don't experience this with the PRS560 as it just doesn't really respond like the A10 so normally the event just lasts longer (typically a Hypopnea). Whilst it might only be 8-12 events at most instead of lasting 10-12 seconds they can last ~ 20-40 seconds.

I certainly don't feel bad after using the PRS560, but I wonder if I could also rehabilitate my use of the A10 given its leaks made for slightly more disturbed sleep and some drier mouth (albeit large leaks have never gone above 1%)

Should I attempt to tame the A10 leaks through increasing the min pressure so it doesn't fly around as much?

I have been increasing my min. Pressure on the PRS560 to 8 in an effort to get a similar result to the A10 but with negligible impact as hypopneas still over around 1 or so. When I used the A10 I had it with a 6 minimum. So, I could move it up from a lower point.

Using the P10 mask I practice keeping my tongue in the correct position and use a chin strap. I am curious as to whether other people have experienced anything like this and :
1. Care that they experience leaks (albeit not getting LL above 1%)
2. Have raised the minimum pressure to lessen the changes in pressures and possibly associated leaks
3. Actually have a high correlation of rapid increase in pressures (albeit not high) and leaks.

And whether you have any suggestions for me to try.

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