Apnea/Hypopnea Index was 49.0/Hour; Desaturation Index 45.3/Hour; %Flow Limitation without snoring 44%; Average Oxygen Saturation 94%,Lowest Oxygen Saturation 87%; . Pulse BPM Min 41, Average 46.
I'm 60kg in weight, BMI 23.1kg/m2, average 7000 steps daily, no heart failure, no neuroloical disease that i know of, no diabetes or other diseases, apart from Hashimotos Thyroid and fibromyalgia. Recent full checkups with full bloods etc all good, 2 headneck MRIs 2 years ago for persistent neuralgic pain were clear. I have had classic apnea symptoms for years, worsening with time, till it has become impossible to function normally.. When I read about CSA and Cheyne-Stokes, it's pretty grim!
Anyhow, they gave me a CPAP to try for a couple of weeks and if my symptoms have not improved they are referring me for specialist assessment. Anyone else have this breathing pattern? Thank you !