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Looks like............
Looks like............
.......I'm back to being a hose head. Been off CPAP for over three years now, and have some other health issues that I'm trying to work my way thru. 

My family doctor wants me back on CPAP to see if it will help. I dug out my machine and all that goes along with it. Got it all hooked up, installed a new hose and had me a new F-40 AirFit mask on hand. I checked the air filter and ran thru the menu to re-familiarize myself with it. 

I even got back on MyAir after I reset my pass code and got the website back on my favorites list. It still looks familiar. Anyways, tonight will be interesting! 

My family doctor asked me how old my machine was and I told him that I got it back in Sept. of 2018. Sounds like he might authorize a new machine for me.  Eat-popcorn If he does, I'll be asking for some advice and guidance from all of you.
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RE: Looks like............
Post the OSCAR Reports.

We eager anticipate the opportunity to review what you have to offer.
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RE: Looks like............
I'd LOVE to be able to post up my OSCAR Report. 

The only problem is, I don't know how to.  Oh-jeez
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RE: Looks like............

Half way down the page you will find instruction on taking a screenshot, 

I know of a couple of other means, but this is the most reliable to transmit over the forum.
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