I recently thought I would try and change the Rise Time setting on the clinical menu, a setting previously overlooked, as I had not yet altered that value. The Rise Time range of values is 0 to 4, with a higher value representing, apparently, a longer inspiratory time. I was hesitant to even try this since I read that the ideal I to E ratio for a patient without interstitial pulmonary compromise is somewhere about 1 to 3, thirty-three percent, or thereabouts.
The default factory setting is 2 of 4. I simply tried a conservative bump to 3 of 4 to see what would happen. Presently, after a few days, I do not see any changes in my AHI or minute volumes on PAP Link, but I can report that, strangely enough it indeed does feel quite a bit more comfortable on setting 3 versus the original 2. I have no idea why this is, but I guess I will just park the Rise Time there for now.
For some reason, I thought that Rise Time was synonymous with Ramp Time, but as I'm sure most of you reading this are aware, these are two completely different parameters (duh, lol)
Now if I can just get back my Wellvue O2 ring from a relative who borrowed it a few weeks ago.
Finally, I have no idea if this matters or will be helpful to anyone, but just wanted to share my findings.
Current settings, after much experimentation and reading.