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Best wishes to all, esp our BOARD MANAGERS.
CPAP since 8/2023 Airsense 11.
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Having been plagued with leaks, esp mouth leaks, I tried, for 30 days, the advice of our friend, YouTube's own, Lanky Lefty 27.
In a post entitled: "Best and Cheapest CPAP Mouth Tape: How to use to Improve Sleep." Jasawn recommended Cover Roll stretch tape.
Nice stuff. but...
Three times skin has been removed with the tape no matter how careful I've been (even soaking with warm rag first!).
03-19-2024, 12:49 AM (This post was last modified: 03-19-2024, 01:04 AM by stevew168.)
RE: Mouth Tape Tradegy
Not sure how fast you are removing the tape, or how wide you cut the cover roll tape. It looks very wide based on your image. I use a 2x4 inch piece, and when I remove it I start at a corner and remove it Slowly, over at least 1 or 2 seconds, depending on how dry my skin was when I applied it, or if I haven't shaved in a day or two. I never have even minor skin irritation. I hope it works better for you. It really helps, if you are mouth breathing with a nasal or nasal pillow mask.
Thanks for that advice.
Believe me, after the first 2 skin rippins' I removed the tape v e r y slowly... like 5 to 10 seconds.
The previous damage occurred just under the mouth corners.
Consequently, I cut longer strips in hopes of reaching skin less tender.
Obviously that didn't work.
Won't be trying anything until the current damage heals.
Then it'll be milk of magnesia like the lady suggested.
The taping really cut down on mouth leaks and will hate to give up on it.
I’ve tried cover roll stretch tape and had similar problems. “3M medipore S” 2 inch tape has been my favorite and rarely affects my skin. Just make sure to wash your face before and after using it.
Buteyko brand is my favorite, very gentle but I still press it against my chin a couple of times before putting it on and I always always put a corner turned over.
I don't need a very wide or long strip, but everybody is different. It comes in sheets so that you can cut it to just the size you want to try that night.
After having given the Milk of Magnesia a try I'm prepared to give it a thumbs up and do recommend it as a solution to Cover roll stretch tape that has left my skin ailing but there has been one drawback that is I cannot seem to stop talking in 'run' on sentences.