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New CPAP user, looking for help understanding flow curve
Hi there,
I'm new to CPAP treatment and am looking to get some help interpreting my flow curve attached in the OSCAR graph. My question is, whether somebody can explain the change in the flow rate at 00:13:20. The pattern until 00:13:20 is unusual for me and does come with a limited amount of tidal volume (~250). The pattern starting at 00:13:20 is the one I see most and I'm not sure where all the small spikes come from: is this some kind of exhale trouble? However, I see almost no flow limitations.
PS: The high CA index of 6.31 somewhat vanishes when reducing EPR to 1 (I read this tip in the wiki guidelines) and I will try to disable ramp in the future according to a comment I read in this forum.
RE: New CPAP user, looking for help understanding flow curve
You had flow limitations both in the inhalation and exhalation periods. You probably changed your sleeping position, which severely affected your flow. Use a cervical collar and a thin pillow, and sleep on your side.
In addition, turn the ramp off and increase your minimum pressure to 7 cm.
What was the CA score in your sleep study? If it was negligible compared to your current figure, keep EPR=2 until your body accommodates the treatment.
RE: New CPAP user, looking for help understanding flow curve
(09-23-2024, 12:19 PM)waran Wrote: [quote pid='530673' dateline='1727039624']
You had flow limitations both in the inhalation and exhalation periods.
Do you see this from the flow rate curve? Why doesn't the flow limitation show anything?
Perhaps a software specialist can answer this question. However, inhalation plateaued, and there were multiple peaks and valleys during exhalation. This latter might be associated with the position of your soft palate.