(11-27-2018, 12:58 PM)zzzlessinMS Wrote: Do you remember dreaming around these times? I wake up with heart racing and fast breathing after a dream (good or bad).
BTW. I found my Contec oximeter was low by as much as 10% when done at same time as doctor's pro equipment. So 83 could really be 93. Don't put too much confidence in OTC oximeters.
No i dont remember dreaming. I know some oximeters can be quite inaccurate. But the O2 drops correspond to the exact times of my OA's and CA's. So that can't be coincidence.
I'd really like to get the official ResMed O2 sensor to prove to my doctors what is going on, but it is expensive. And I doubt even with the official O2 sensor, they would care, because these drops don't happen enough for them to care. They are not concerned with less then a dozen O2 drops a night. But I am, due to my AFIB condition. Anything can trigger my AFIB or arrhythmia. If I have ANY kind of leaking, I start having weird breathing issues with palpitations, and in the past this has caused ventricular bigemeny and afib. I don't want that happening anymore.
Is a drop to 80% for a short period over only a few times a night, still considered "okay" by most sleep doctors?
Pressure EPAP min 4.4, IPAP 8.4, IPAP Max 18, PS 4.