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New ResMed S9
RE: New ResMed S9
Yes, it is true that Medicare "rents" them. It is a huge waste of money. They could have bought two to three machines outright by that time.

If he is telling you they sold/rented you a new unit, yet you are seeing data on the card from before you had it and the machine hours show more hours than you could possibly be using it, then either he is a liar or your machine is. And you can guess which one I think it is.

What the rent means is that during those 13 months, you can trade the machine in for another. Another brand, another version, etc. because it is a rental, not a purchase. After the 13 months, you cannot do this because at that point, it is yours. BUT, this does not mean they can give you a used machine. Medicare is paying them the same, no matter what machine you choose. It is possible that Medicare has already paid a chunk of money for someone else's rental and now they're getting paid again.

I suggest you talk to your doctor, tell him what happened, and that you are going to go to another DME. Take that machine back and go elsewhere.

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: New ResMed S9
drofli... Medicare paying for a rental for 13 months and then its yours, is the present philosophy. This is what transpired with me. They gave me a 'new' one at the onset and title transfered at the end of the 13 month period.. If your DME has the idea of waiting until the end of the 13 month period to give you a new one, then I certainly would encourage you to get "THAT" in a written statement and signed by an "upper manager". A lot of things can happen in 13 months...medicare changes; DME company goes out of business; company policy changes..etc, etc
Yesterday is history; Tomorrow is a mystery; Today is a gift; Thats why its called "The Present".  
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RE: New ResMed S9
It's a rent to own machine. You have no right to expect a new machine when you rent one.

Of course, they shouldn't lie to you about it being new.
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If it's midnight and a DME tells you it's dark outside, go and check it yourself.
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