RE: New computer - back to building OSCAR
Couldn't believe how much stuff I needed to install to get this to work. But it does work now! Gnome sure does make it painful to just add an icon to one's desktop.
Had to install gdebi, which also install a ton of files. The icon does get installed to the desktop. But double-clicking opens the file in the text editor. Right clicking will bring up a menu which now has a line to enable launching. Once enabled, the OSCAR symbol is 35% obscured with a violet circle and an arrow. Finally one can launch OSCAR. Don't know if there is a way to fix this, but all I can see is OS and not CAR.
The procedure is a bit long, but it does work. Thanks for your help!
Oh, the version I cloned from git still has the font type and size printed out on top of the AHI. Not a problem for me, as I commented it out in daily.cpp, as per the instructions given in my OSCAR for RPI4 thread. Just a heads up that those two lines are still there.
RE: New computer - back to building OSCAR
I don't know why you have to do all these difficult things.
Normally, even on the test version, you just have to install the deb file with the terminal and apt install command. The launch is just a double-clic on the icon.
You just have to replace oscar by oscar-test.
I cannot test with the same configuration but can you send me the result of :
lsb_release -cdir
I'll will test on a virtual machine.
From France. English spoken. Equipped since end of 2009. ResMed AirSense 10 Autoset since November 2023.
Linux user since 2009 --> current main distribution : Xubuntu 24.04 (laptop & Desktop)
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RE: New computer - back to building OSCAR
Maybe some of the problem is I'm starting with a brand new machine and some of these things have never been installed. I didn't do a full restore, just my /home directory. I think I was running 20.04 on my old laptop. This is 20.04.1.
Some of the Gnome stuff is not an improvement. The developers are dumbing things down and removing options. This in my opinion is not helpful as it destroys the value of the old documentation. And guess what - there's no new documentation on how to work around the changes. Kind of an arrogant approach to development. In my opinion the developers are removing the very options that makes Linux usable. They are making it harder to develop and run your own code on the platform. Oh well, that's off-topic. Sorry.
Here is what you asked for:
$ lsb_release -cdir
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal