03-03-2018, 05:51 PM
New to treatment
Hello everyone,
I am brand new to this forum and OAS treatment as well. Started treatment 20 February this year, and to date have been able to wear the mask all night every night without any real issue. I am trialing equipment from local sleep center (ResMed Airsense 10 Autoset with Dreamwear head gear and nasal cushion). Things seem to have gone well for the first bit, AHI was cut drastically. My over night home monitoring showed and AHI >91 which has been reduced to an average of 8.36 over the first week. The Respiratory tech has made two changes since the 28th of Feb. and I am not sure they were for the better. Primarily she has changed from APAP (6 -15, EPR 2) to CPAP (Fixed 9, EPR1),and then CPAP (fixed 11, EPR off). The changes have not made any real change in my AHI and surprisingly I don't feel as rested in the morning. I would post images but need a few more posts first.
Thanks in advance for your help.
RE: New to treatment
Hi Jbee, you don't need a minimum number of posts to attach a Sleepyhead image. That went away when the attachment limits were removed a few weeks ago. Tutorials for attaching images are in my signature. We can help, but really need to know the type of apnea that remain with your therapy, and when and how they occur. Take a look at the tutorials. and post some attachments, and we're glad to help. Welcome to Apnea Board.
RE: New to treatment
Welcome. For what it's worth, I would have to say I generally feel less energetic, or less eager to get out of bed, since starting CPAP three months ago. Part of it may be my AFib medication, as was cautioned, but I don't attribute any great and positive change to my health now on my third month of CPAP over and above what my statistics tell me each morning...and that is that my AHI have dropped from a pre-treatment average of 30/hr down to less than two. I have to take that cue as my beacon and just assume my heart and brain will do better over the long term. I hope you find that you feel more positive about the CPAP experience in time.
RE: New to treatment
First let me congratulate you on taking the initiative with your apnea, using sleepyhead, and joining this group. Judging by your post, you are waiting for the medical supplier to make adjustments to your APAP. If you don't know how, it is simple on the ResMed Airsense 10. Just hold down the big round button beside the screen while simultaneously holding down the home button. Hold for 5 seconds and it will switch to "clinical mode" and you will be able to make your own adjustments.
You stated you were originally set on APAP 5-15 and had just as good success as you do after the adjustments. I am not sure why they used CPAP mode instead of just setting the max pressure at 9 or 11. That way during the hours of night you don't need the higher pressure you will be able to breath easier. Might be why you are experiencing more fatigue with the CPAP setting.
Lastly, I would be remiss if I didn't recommend you experiment with a soft cervical collar. Just buy a 3" soft collar from Walmart and try wearing it one night and see if it affects your apnea. It reduced mine by almost 2/3. The theory is that it help hold you chin up which actually opens the airway more. This is more effective with those that have minor/moderate apnea, but certainly worth a shot.
Good luck my friend.
RE: New to treatment
Hi jbee18,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
It's great that you took charge of your Sleep apnea therapy.
Good luck on your CPAP journey.