First of all, thanks to all of you who are participating in this forum. I am new to CPAP treatment as of last week) and I have learned so much already from this forum. And I also realize I have SUCH a LONGGG way to go!
Some backstory - I have probably had un-diagnosed OSA for years and maybe over a decade, yikes. Runs in the family. I have also developed a pretty tenacious insomnia patttern since about 2008. (Usually sleep from 10-2 or 3 then awake for a few hours and then back to sleep for a few hours depending on what I time I have clients scheduled for the day). I have tried all herbal and otc sleeping aids like 5HTP, passion flower, melatonin, etc... nothing works. Avoid prescription sleeping pills like the plague since they are so addictive. After reading some of the posts on this site I understand this insomnia may be connected to the OSA. I was diagnosed with moderate OSA.
Low Sp02 83%
AHI 18 hr
PLM 11.8 hr
Sleep efficiency 66.2
Total sleep time 274 min
REM 8.9%
Arousal index 12.9 hr
Awakenings 3.7 hr
I also have a history of SVT and occasional A-fib episodes. I had an ablation for the SVT last October and since then have not had any SVT episodes - YAYY! So for me getting this right is super important as I am pretty sure the a-fib is def related to the OSA.
I am not obese and my neck size is under the
My first mask was Dreamwear with pillows - UGH - couldn't wear more than an hour - the pillows really irritated my nasal passages. Took a few nights off since I did not have another alternative.
Then I bought a Swift FX Nano for her. I wore it one night - the numbers were horrible! (see second attachment below).
Meanwhile I ordered the cushion for the Dreamwear and used that the last two nights and for a daytime nap since I am barely getting any sleep.
My first two reports from Sleepyhead were great on the Dreamwear with cushion! 0 or below 1! Then last night I ended up with tons of clear airway reports. Some of these were def occurring when I was awake. The mask was not leaking and I had all the settings on the machine the same and the fit of the mask was consistent with two previous sessions. I am not a mouth breather and for the last year or so I have been working with the Buteyko breathing technique both while awake and before sleep. I cant even talk with the mask on (it seems like it would be really hard to be a mouth breather with one of these things!) so it doesnt seem like I am mouth breathing while asleep but how can I know for sure??)
You will also see gaps in data - I have not been able to sleep with the mask on all night. Start out with it on then remove for a few hours. Awake at my usual time then put it back on - on for an hour or so before able to go back to sleep.
i am really tired - am considering going to the doc for some kind of anti-depressant like trazadone for sleep temporarily until i can get used to the mask and start sleeping more as I am concerned about my heart.
Help requested!
- What do I need to address that I haven't already?
- Any help interpreting these reports or other suggestions are very much appreciated and welcome!
- Clear airway issue - fine for two days with the Dreamwear then really bad last night.
- Anyone tried anything (such as a low dose anti depressant) to help with insomnia? If so did it effect your results one way or another?