I've been a CPAP user about 70 days and have been trying to refine my settings. I use a Respironics Dreamstation and have experimented with higher starting pressures and reducing Aflex1 level. In general OA has rarely been a problem but H and CA are dominant. I'm enclosing a representative chart below (iincluding SpO2).
I'm just a beginner, but when I examine my charts I often see a pattern of: pressure increase, followed by increased ventilation rate, followed by a somewhat delayed increase in SpO2, folllowed by an H or CA. From what I read, this has the fingerprints of a treatment induced CA. It looks like the overventilation that is dropping SpO2 is also increasing hypocapnia and suppressing respiratory drive. (In fact, I the main reason I got the oximeter was so that I could get a better handle on whether my CA and H problem was actually causing clinically significant desaturations. In ten days of oximeter use, I've only seen one 3 sec desaturation to 86. Otherwise, 90 percent of the time my min SpO2 is 89 to 91. The chart below is representative.
Anyway, I am interested in seeing if there are experiments I can do to improve my CPAP settings. Obviously this a path that many clever people have preceded me on, and undoubtedly learned things along the way. Your advice would be appreciated.
BTW, my doctor, told me there is no SpO2 problem and I can discontinue taking it if I want. My AHI has been cut in half since my sleep study, so he is happy with my progress. I'm not being pressured by him to improve my numbers.
Don R.