Had surgery last year, they expected I had sleep apnea. Went to sleep center over 3 months ago and it was confirmed.
I have been using the CPAP machine with full mask for 2 months now. Originally started the air pressure at 10-15. Had no problems at all with fit of mask or adjusting to using it. I fall asleep within 20 minutes of wearing the mask. During the night, I still get up 3 times to go to the bathroom. I wear the mask for an average of 9 hours a night.
When I wake up, I still feel very tired and do not feel refreshed at all. All day long I still feel tired and have no energy. Because of this, my Medical Equipment Specialist sent over a request to my doctor to go up on my air pressure about 2 weeks ago to 17. My doctor prescribed the air pressure increase. Since then, I have noticed no change at all in the way I feel. The lady at the medical equipment place told me today that she does not want to go up on the air pressure again, because it could cause Central Sleep Apnea. So she said I need to get together with my doctor and see if I need to go back to the sleep center. She told me I should be feeling better by now. Also, my air pressure, since going up to 17, is maxing out at 16.9 every night.
I am just wondering if anyone has had similar issues and what steps were taken?
Also, my machine is very quiet... cannot hear it running at all. Is that normal? And I start my night out at 10 on the air pressure.... and I cannot ever feel the air on my nose/mouth while wearing the mask. I can feel the air blowing out the holes on the mask. It is just totally different than the full face mask I wore at the sleep center. I could feel the air blowing very strongly over my nose/mouth. I am scared something isn't working right. I feel silly saying that. lol
Thank you for any response I get.