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Been using a Dreamstation AutoCPAP (DSX500H11) since January 2019 and am excited about this forum and tweaking my way to the next level.
AHI last night was 1.85, which is particularly good for me (normally I hover between 2 and 3). Last night I reduced the max pressure to 10.5 (min is 9.5) where it had been 12 (A-Flex is set to 1). I made this change based upon reviewing historical data, noticing my pressures rarely goes above 10.5 for extended periods and when it does it's associated with a bad night's sleep (AHI 3.82). Am I wrong or maybe premature to drop the max pressure like that? Are there other setting tweaks you'd suggest?
I've attached last night's data and a bad night's data from last month.
Cool, the majority of your events are Central in nature so you may find that rather than reducing you base pressure your events may be further reduced by turning off flex. CA’s vary from night to night and are consistently inconsistent so you numbers tonight may be completely different with no changes
(02-07-2021, 01:02 PM)jaswilliams Wrote: Cool, the majority of your events are Central in nature so you may find that rather than reducing you base pressure your events may be further reduced by turning off flex. CA’s vary from night to night and are consistently inconsistent so you numbers tonight may be completely different with no changes
@jaswilliams Thanks for the feedback! I will turn off flex and increase the max pressure closer to 12. I'm using nasal pillows (tried some alternatives early on without success) and would also like to reduce the amount of gas I get in my digestive system overnight, although the severity of that issue is secondary to figuring out how to keep my AHI consistently lower. Let me know if you have any thoughts about that topic too. I use the F&P Brevida nasal pillows (tried full face, etc, early on without success) along with a small piece of tape over the middle of my mouth to allow the possibility of an alternate mouth airway if needed (tried a chinstrap early on without much success). Thanks again!