Just wondering if anyone else has seen a change to the OSCAR profile page in the past few weeks. OSCAR used to open for me with two profiles. One related to my Resmed Airsense 10 Elite and one related to my new Resmed Autoset machine.
A week or so back, I started to see two additional "Journal_XXXXXXXXXX" entries as well as two "Resmed_XXXXXXXXXX" entries. OSCAR seems to be working fine but I am puzzled by the recent change.
I did download and reinstall OSCAR with no change to the new displayed profile page info.
I did find those profiles in my OSCAR OSCAR_Data/Profiles folder and deleted them there. Restarting OSCAR displayed the extra profiles and they were again displayed within the OSCAR_Data/Profiles folder.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for your time.
If some screen shots would help, I can try to get a couple for follow up. Thanks!