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OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
WOW-- just did the Accidental Post thing again while in the middle of creating a post. Seems to have something to do with, while editing, scrolling down to have a gander at a previous post to assist composition, apparently shifting focus to a Post button-- and activating it by a CR/hard return. I apologize, folks.

Maybe when I have more than a one short sentence to post I'll just use another editor app until I'm ready to post, and copy/paste it into one of this forum's posting windows.  Bang, bang, bang (head v. wall)

SO THEN, as mentioned, I hoped to post a "Never mind" before any effort was expended if mostly just for me; but wanted to say the same thing re: the Error msg I often see when importing, since the data does seem to get imported properly. As a former(?) application developer myself I can understand that it would be difficult to ignore the existence of even a tiny bug, but I hope if it's not ignored that it's assigned the lowest of low priorities.

Back on the multi-file import: I just looked to see if 1.1.1 was already available, to see if the fix meant that an import would deal with the Data folder in it's entirety (looking inside and determining which files had already been imported, and only importing the 'new' ones). FWIW, my preference would be the provision to select multiple files, or just one, within the data folder (which would still provide the opportunity to select all). Only because, as I mentioned in an earlier post, I often use the oximeter not concurrent with a CPAP session. Having mentioned that, I'm fine with however the fix to accommodate bulk imports in Win 10 is implemented.  If it helps you avoid having to deal with 'orphan' oximeter data, I can just create a second folder for Oximeter data-- that contains only oximeter data files for which there are 'matching' CPAP data files, and point the import process to that folder instead of the one O2 Insight Pro uses.

Sorry for the long post. And thanks for all the help. This is a great forum.     Jim
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RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
1.1.1 isn't release yet. There are a few more bugs we're trying to squash.

If you select more than file in a directory (on Windows), it will look through the entire directory for all files that match Viatom's YYYYMMDDhhmmss naming convention and import those. It's smart enough to skip files you've already imported. Personally, I recommend keeping a file with just your Viatom data in it, since it'll probably yell if you happen to have non-Viatom files in the directory with a matching name.

You can still select an individual file whenever you like, and only that file will be imported.
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RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
My previous 2-part post could probably have been less spaghetti-ish.

I don't have any files in the O2 Insight Pro Data folder that have not been deposited there by its Download procedure. But a number of the files represent oximeter sessions without corresponding CPAP data.  Eg. I might use my oximeter from 1pm to 4pm during the day; then again (after re-charging) the same night while using my CPAP.

Having read in the instructions that CPAP data must be imported before the corresponding oximeter data, and that it is advisable to have the CPAP and oximeter sessions begin and end approximately simultaneously, I thought perhaps OSCAR's Viatom import might be confounded by an oximeter data file that did not 'overlap', time-wise, any CPAP data.

Thanks, and thanks-- Jim
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RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
(05-07-2020, 05:01 PM)jtmAZ Wrote: Having read in the instructions that CPAP data must be imported before the corresponding oximeter data, and that it is advisable to have the CPAP and oximeter sessions begin and end approximately simultaneously, I thought perhaps OSCAR's Viatom import might be confounded by an oximeter data file that did not 'overlap', time-wise, any CPAP data.

I think that advice is probably stale, especially for an oximeter that synchronizes its clock to your phone or PC and accurately timestamps the data.

In general we've been working on making OSCAR more flexible about handling oximetry without CPAP data. Before started fixing things, it wouldn't let you into the daily view at all unless you had imported CPAP data. Now it'll work without any CPAP data at all, though some screens and reports might get a little cranky.

So go ahead and import all your Viatom data! Our intention is that it should work, so if you find any weird behavior when 1.1.1 is release, let us know.
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RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
I eat stale bread, and stale cookies, so the consumption of stale instructions is just par for the course, for me.  ;-)

But actually that's really good news even though I still will not be importing my oximetry-only sessions into OSCAR (no point-- that data is viewable in O2 Insight Pro, and nothing to compare it to in OSCAR). But in addition to occasionally capturing an hour or two of daytime/non-CPAP oximetry data, I would usually try to begin oximetry 30+ minutes before and after CPAP use.

And I had stopped doing the latter after reading the 'stale' instructions, trying for approximately concurrent CPAP and oximetry sleep sessions to avoid mangling data imports.  So huzzah -- I can resume gathering pre- and post-CPAP oximetry. Yay.

I wish I was experienced in the development platforms you are probably using for OSCAR, so I could "join in all those reindeer games" -- but my modest experience is mostly confined to Delphi/Object Pascal and 'boutique' DBMS. If you have any little projects peripheral to OSCAR, obviously not for integration into the core product but possibly helpful to the effort somehow, please hit me up to see if I can handle whatever you'd like to offload.

Thanks again -- Jim.
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RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout

Looks like Viatom released their OSX app, which I have installed, but I can't seem to find where it saves its files on disk to try to import them - I just picked up a Vatom/Wellu SleepU yesterday.

Is there any way that I can be of assistance to help figure out the procedure for importing the files from OSX?
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RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
Thanks for the update, I hadn't noticed that release. I'd check in ~/Library/Application Support/(application name)/. By default macOS hides the Library folder in your home directory.
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RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
I'm in the same boat as @giftculture. Just started using the O2Ring on OS-X. It looks like the data files are actually stored in 

~/Library/Containers/com.viatom.O2PCViewer-BLE/Data/Library/Application Support/O2_Insight_Pro/DATA/<device serial>

I'm guessing this is the new schema for sandboxed applications? In any case, there are files in that folder, but they aren't recognized as openable by OSCAR:

❯ ls -altrR
total 88
drwxr-xr-x@ 4 cweiss  staff    128 May 16 08:07 <device serial>
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cweiss  staff  36864 May 16 08:07 db_o2.db
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 cweiss  staff    160 May 16 09:11 ..
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 cweiss  staff    160 May 16 09:11 .
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cweiss  staff   6148 May 16 09:13 .DS_Store

./<device serial>:
total 88
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cweiss  staff    150 May 16 08:07 20200515222001
drwxr-xr-x@ 4 cweiss  staff    128 May 16 08:07 .
-rw-r--r--@ 1 cweiss  staff  38695 May 16 08:07 20200515230620
drwxr-xr-x@ 5 cweiss  staff    160 May 16 09:11 ..

Given that mess, it might be easier to support importing via exported CSV?

The CSV header is:
Time,SpO2(%),Pulse Rate(bmp),Vector,Vibration,
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RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
Thank you for the detail! I'll update the instructions in the wiki now.

You can point OSCAR to "~/Library/Containers/com.viatom.O2PCViewer-BLE/Data/Library/Application Support/O2_Insight_Pro/DATA/<device serial>" and it will import all the files in that directory.

Do I take it from the "BLE" in the path that the Mac version connects via Bluetooth? If so, can it also connect via USB?
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RE: OSCAR-oximetry data import record/file layout
I cannot get the Mac to connect via USB at all, only charge. 

Also, I am unable to actually load those files, they're greyed out in the file dialog.

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