Hello everyone, it's so good to have such a great community of people to join as I start my journey out of sleepiness and into better health.
I'm in my late 50s, but reckon I've probably had undiagnosed sleep apnea since my 20s. Over the years, sharing hotel rooms or dorms at workshops and conferences, people would sometimes comment on my snoring. I did a lab sleep study back then but didn't snore that night and got sent away - a young, slim, woman was not seen to be a candidate for apnea. And because one person described my snoring as 'cute - like a kitten', I didn't think any more about my snoring after that.
Yet I visited doctor after doctor seeking answers to my tiredness and how I seemed to get every cold going (I reckon those sore throats weren't a cold - they were from snoring). I even had a name for a phenomenon I used to experience - I called them 'energy collapses', again, probably the result of terrible sleep.
In the last couple of years my snoring, need for naps got worse. Finally, my husband heard about OSA and hassled me to discuss it with my doctor. My sleep study results were terrible - AHI in the 90s, SaO2 below 88% for over a quarter of the night. But at last I had an explanation for things!
I was sent home with a cpap machine to trial and some verbal instructions. Ridiculous to expect a sleep deprived, freaked out person to take it all in. I got more written material on how to use my Brita water jug than I did the machine!
Getting used to my trial machine, and having to learn about how to manage old injuries which, paradoxically are reasserting themselves now I’m sleeping like a log and not moving so much at night, has been a real challenge. I had to take a week off work as my sleep actually got worse and my mental health took a real knock. Thankfully I found this forum and drew on the collective wisdom to navigate my way through the challenging first couple of months.
But I reckon I’ve now pretty much got the machine going ok. The sleep! Wow – so that’s how people get to wake up straight away in the morning. Me, it would take hours to wake up. During lockdown it got so bad I’d get up, have cup of tea, and then need a nap. I’d do a morning’s work, and have a nap at lunch. Work in the afternoon, nap around 5, and then work again til around 7-8 to make sure I did my hours. Have to say, I do miss the snoozes (a bit).
In the last week I’ve taken delivery of some buckwheat pillows to manage my old injuries (shoulder and knee). I’ve started to sleep on my back for the first part of the night, as that’s supposed to be best for injuries. I’m anticipating that the machine will keep my airways open.
But for the last few days I’ve been waking up with a sore throat and wonder whether my Oscar results give any clues as to whether anythings going on?
Is anyone able to offer any advice?
And once again, thanks so much to everyone who contributes here – it’s been a real lifeline for me, good to know I’m not alone and learn how other people manage things.