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Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet for Her Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: AirFit P10 for her Humidifier: 4-5 CPAP Pressure: 6.0-9.0 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Comments: Insomnia, PLMD, Low Ferritin were also diagnosed and complicating my sleep further.
03-18-2021, 08:41 AM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2021, 08:42 AM by hookedonstitch.)
OSCAR - Understanding the Data (Help)
I'm trying to educate myself on how to read the data from Oscar and I keep seeing parts that make me think something is happening but nothing is being flagged as an event. Can someone please help me to clarify what is happening in the close up sections?
From the research I've done it looks like I'm struggling to breathe at 3:03, 3:10, 3:11, 3:24, 5:21. I'm seeing these spikes all over my chart where the rest is flat. What is probably happening at these times?
Settings: Autoset for Her, ResMed 10, Pressure 7.0-9.4
Here is the last one
The events you are seeing are mini-arousals. you tossed and went right back to sleep. They should be no big deal. Your numbers are excellent (see the note on flow limits below)
Your flow limits are a bit, just a bit on the high side. I wouldn't chase them unless you are symptomatic. I see them (barely) in your closeups, but you need a 3-minute view to critically evaluate them. IF you were using a VAuto I'd have you bump the PS up a bit but at this time I don't see this as worth chasing. The goal here is restful sleep and I see no complaints other than your questioning your charts. With that said,
Critically, how do you FEEL?
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet for Her Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: AirFit P10 for her Humidifier: 4-5 CPAP Pressure: 6.0-9.0 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Comments: Insomnia, PLMD, Low Ferritin were also diagnosed and complicating my sleep further.
03-18-2021, 04:49 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2021, 04:58 PM by hookedonstitch.
Edit Reason: Adding more info
RE: OSCAR - Understanding the Data (Help)
I feel worse than I did before starting but it's only been a month and I know it takes time. I am tired during the day with a constant headache and I have a moderate amount of brain fog. I'm also under a Cardiologist care and going for a CT Cardiac Scan next month because I have an enlarged heart. I'm pretty sure that is related to the OSA.
Is this from the flow limitations? Could those movements also be from PLM? I was diagnosed with that too.
Reading more about IFL, does this mean I am experiencing UARS?
I go for a titration study on Tuesday, will these problems show up during this test?
Sorry, so many questions but I want to do the best that I can for my overall health.
A sleep study counts AHI unless the doctor orders something else. Inspiratory flow limitation is not considered measurable by a sleep study. We recognize it as a flattening of the inspiratory wave, but most sleep specialists do not consider flow limitation because its treatment is not an insured condition, and most don't understand it. Here is an article on measuring IFL using invasive and noninvasive methods https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.....3.9708056
Your titration study will seek to resolve obstructive events, and will be considered successful at a low AHI and may or may not consider the presence of REM sleep. Sleep studies are mostly a waste of time and money with results like yours, because your current results are excellent by any measure of titration protocols.
Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet for Her Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: AirFit P10 for her Humidifier: 4-5 CPAP Pressure: 6.0-9.0 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Comments: Insomnia, PLMD, Low Ferritin were also diagnosed and complicating my sleep further.
Agree that a titration study for you is a waste of time and money. It's only function would be to placate your doctor. Your current charts have all the info you need.
Your settings are what we consider to be minimum settings, 7 cmw for min pressure. .you are complaining of headaches and brain fog, both could, not are, be symptoms of slightly low oxygen.
I'm going to suggest you increase your min pressure to your median pressure of 9, and your max to 12+ to provide your machine some room. Also turn your ramp off if it is on.
It is important for you to note which settings feel better.
Gideon - Project Manager Emeritus for OSCAR - Open Source CPAP Analysis Reporter
Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet for Her Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: AirFit P10 for her Humidifier: 4-5 CPAP Pressure: 6.0-9.0 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Comments: Insomnia, PLMD, Low Ferritin were also diagnosed and complicating my sleep further.
Hi Gideon, I don't pay for the titration study, it is covered by OHIP (thankfully) so I will probably just go ahead and do it just to see what the DR. says because the first one was so much fun
I will try settings of 9 to 12 tonight and my ramp is turned off. I have EPR set to 3.
On a side note I felt like I was hissing a lot last night. Every time I woke up I felt like that was what I was doing. It got so bad I turned the pressure down just so I could actually sleep!
Machine: ResMed AirSense 10 AutoSet for Her Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: AirFit P10 for her Humidifier: 4-5 CPAP Pressure: 6.0-9.0 CPAP Software: OSCAR
Other Comments: Insomnia, PLMD, Low Ferritin were also diagnosed and complicating my sleep further.
RE: OSCAR - Understanding the Data (Help) *New Mask Feedback Please*
I recently changed my mask to the Airfit P10 and could use some follow up feedback on my charts. I did find it much easier to side sleep with the P10 and it also doesn't seem to shift around as much, although my leak rate suggests otherwise?
Mar 28 is using the Dreamwear Nasal Cushion Mask
Apr 2 is using the AirFit P10
I am wondering if there is a difference in the way one mask is working over the other?
Your leak rate with the P10 mask is quite typical as it has been noted by many others. It almost seems like it, on some nights, has difficulty establishing the zero level. the reported level is very low and should be of no concern. I used the P10 for 4 years and often saw similar leak charts before switching to the P30 which does not seem to have the same characteristic.