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Machine: ResMed Airsense Auto 10 Mask Type: Full face mask Mask Make & Model: AirFit F20 Humidifier: ResMed Airsense Auto 10 CPAP Pressure: Min 5 Max 20 CPAP Software: OSCAR
(07-24-2022, 11:49 AM)OpalRose Wrote: That explains the major leak rate we see on your graph.
Stomach sleeping with a full face mask is probably the hardest to adapt to, as you are probably burying your face in the pillow and moving your mask, creating leaks.
I feel that a more minimalistic mask like a nasal pillow "might" be better for stomach sleepers. Have you ever tried one? Of course if you mouth breathe, then you will still have a leak issue.
I'll let others that actually are stomach sleepers advise.
I think I’m going to try this one: DME Link Removed
Search Supplier #1 for ResMed F30i full face mask.
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I hope an expert will correct me if I am wrong, but as I understand it -- the best sleeping positions are (in order):
right side
left side
So you may get fewer leaks and more effective therapy is you can learn to sleep on your right side. Not sure why right is preferable to left.
07-25-2022, 08:44 AM (This post was last modified: 07-25-2022, 08:54 AM by CorruptAlligator.)
RE: Over 10+ Leak (L/Min) but still low AHI?
Actually, sleeping on the left side (from self perspective) is recommend due to right side being susceptible to acid reflux. When people say CPAP helped with their acid reflux, it's quite possible that change in sleeping position did instead.
(07-24-2022, 05:52 PM)clownbell Wrote: I hope an expert will correct me if I am wrong, but as I understand it -- the best sleeping positions are (in order):
right side
left side
So you may get fewer leaks and more effective therapy is you can learn to sleep on your right side. Not sure why right is preferable to left.
I've always heard that side sleeping was better too...especially for sleep apnea patients. But, it seems there are differing opinions on this.
I think the supine sleep position works great for me. I've always felt more comfortable on my back. If you can get your PAP therapy dialed in effectively in that position, it seems better for eliminating mask leaks too. I've never understood how anybody could sleep on their stomach. It's the absolute worst position for your spine.
I spend probably 95% of my sleeping time on my back and rarely have an AHI over 0.5. I have COPD and it seems to help with my breathing overall. This study seems to support that. I guess comfort is the main thing with sleeping positions.