Philips ASV
Hi friends, I use Philips Respironics advanced system one ASV device about a month.Last week of therapy results AHİ and CSR value was about 1 or 1.2 The doctor said excellent results.
settings: Min /Max EPAP: 7/8, Min / Max PS: 0/15.But not comfortable falling asleep..I wake up at night.So I changed the minumum support pressure only.Min/Max PS : 3/15 Results:very comfortable asleep but AHİ: 7(hypopnea: 6) CSR: 5 Why did this happen and what can I do?
Thanks and sorry my english.
RE: Philips ASV
Is there no one to answer my question?
RE: Philips ASV
How long did you test the new PSmin setting? You can't conclude anything from one night. Leave it at the new setting for a few days or a week and see what happens.
You say, "Not comfortable falling asleep...I wake up at night." Do you mean the machine wakes you up? Or do you mean you wake up for some other reason (to use the bathroom, maybe) and then have trouble falling asleep again?
I'm not qualified to give you a good answer, but it might help others if we understand your problem a little better. I know it's difficult when you're not writing in your native language.
RE: Philips ASV
Welcome to the forum.
Not familiar with your machine, but two things come to mind. First is I think you moved a bit much to start with, if you were at 7-25 and you changed to 3-15. I think that is the problem.
When you say you have trouble sleeping, and you changed the pressure I assume you mean you have problems breathing at 7-25. Are your problems inhaling feels like you are suffocating or exhaling feels like you are suffocating. Meaning is it hard to inhale or exhale or both?
In general when making changes it is best to go very slowly and wait for your body to become accustomed to the change. Second, your therapy was very good, and the changes were for comfort. Since I am not familiar with your machine I don't know if there are "comfort" settings that could be adjusted that would have less of an affect on your therapy.
Others will answer soon.
I am not a Medical professional and I don't play one on the internet.
Started CPAP Therapy April 5, 2016
I'd Rather Be Sleeping
RE: Philips ASV
Thanks for the all answers.yes I changed only ps was three.
valid settings: epap min max : 7/8, ps min max : 3/15
When ps min value is zero AHI about of 1 but now it is of 7.
I could not breathe comfortably.Now I can sleep a deep sleep.
I achieved this value after one day of treatment.I know it may not enaought for a day.
RE: Philips ASV
You need to use your new settings for a week or so and then see what you have. It sometimes takes a while for the body to adjust to changes. Be patient. Just remember that numbers are not everything. Be happy that you are sleeping better. That is a real win.
Best Regards,