When I am eating properly as I am now I am feeling well rested and awake during the day until around 8PM when falling asleep reclining on the couch watching TV is not rare. Some nights I sleep for six hours unbroken, other nights I wake up for no apparent reason after an hour or two of sleep which are probably RERAs, but none occurred in sleep study. I try not to sleep supine but on either left or right side, as when my wife typically wakes me for snoring I find myself on my back.
I can recall in past years when the weight passed 215 it got harder to breathe in activity. When I had a later period of weight loss and went below 215 my breathing got noticeably easier. A few years ago when weight climbed back above 215, breathing got to be work again while awake. I am now slowly approaching 215, currently 222. If I continue on the current course, I will pass 215 on my way to under 200 next year, with expected improvement in breathing once again. The 64 thousand dollar question is, will this weight loss if achieved also reduce sleep apnea events to a sub-clinical level? If so, since I am currently feeling well rested in daylight hours most of the time, is it OK to do nothing about the apnea other then lifestyle changes while the weight comes down to see it that brings the AHI/RHI down sufficiently? Opinions welcome, it is understood nothing said here can be construed as medical advice.