Please Review Data - 1st Night on Auto 10
This was my first night on the Resmed Airsense Auto 10 after six weeks on the Dreamstation and the data looks a lot different. I feel good. I was alert for the entire day including after lunch (for the first time in ages).
My main concern is that on the Dreamstation my data was filled with VS, VS2s and Hs. I would have a max of two centrals flagged per night.
I snore - a lot and loudly. I'm lucky my wife didn't try a different kind of "pillow therapy" before I got diagnosed. I don't see many snores or Hs flagged. Instead, I see a lot of CAs.
Does the Auto 10 machine go about looking at snoring differently? I'm a little concerned that it's flagging so many centrals versus the Dreamstation if they aren't really CAs.
How do I reconcile the data between the two different machines in terms of the volume of CAs flagged with Resmed versus the Dreamstation?
Also, my 95% pressure was as high or higher on the Dreamstation.
Thanks for looking at this.
RE: Please Review Data - 1st Night on Auto 10
As you can see, your settings at 5-18 with EPR 3 result in no change in pressure at all. My suggestion is to set to 6 minimum 10 max and EPR at 2. My guess is you will see an even lower AHI and fewer CA events. Your data is not lying, the air is simply delivered based on your spontaneous rate rather than what the machine predicts it should be. Did you have any snore complaints?
RE: Please Review Data - 1st Night on Auto 10
Thank you. My snoring hasn't been a problem since starting on the APAP.
I was surprised to see my residual events seemed to have switched from Hs to CAs when I changed machines.
I've posted Dreamstation data for comparison FWIW if anything.
RE: Please Review Data - 1st Night on Auto 10
If you’re looking to track audible snoring, the Snore Lab iOS app is great.