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Please help reading my oscar. Been using my cpap for 2 years and still tired.
Hello, I am really getting depressed right now, I tried everything, sleeping early, sleep 7 hours a day and take vitamin supplements but I am still tired.
Please kindly help me what pressure is good enough for me.
I use resmed airsense 10.
Pressure 6.4-10 cmH20
Humidity and temperature is set to auto
EPR is off
Response is soft.
I use Dreamwear nasal cushion (Medium cushion size, Medium frame).
RE: Please help reading my oscar. Been using my cpap for 2 years and still tired.
Given the variability of obstructive sleep apnea it looks like your pressure range doesn't always control your obstructive events which is the first step.
Do you work an overnight shift or is the clock sync off? Looks like you're going to bed around lunch time.
Have you considered trialing a constant pressure? If so, I'd start with 8cmH20 and see how you feel - it looks like you're probably tired due to respiratory related arousals given the flow data which more pressure can help.
10-11-2023, 02:29 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2023, 02:37 PM by gainerfull.)
RE: Please help reading my oscar. Been using my cpap for 2 years and still tired.
(10-11-2023, 02:08 PM)Rinko Wrote: Hi, I work overnight shift. I will try 8cmH2O , is it ok advisable to use epr? I often browse forum but they said epr is not good. Thank you.
EPR can be a good tool but it can also add complexity so let's see what your sleep looks like at 8cmH20 with EPR off and we can add variables afterwards if your sleep data suggests it would be helpful.
One other thing to mention is you might try tightening your mask a little more to prevent the mask leak spikes when you presumably change positions. Even small leak spikes can cause micro-awakenings and you'll want to prevent as many of those as possible.
RE: Please help reading my oscar. Been using my cpap for 2 years and still tired.
Your numbers are really good, congrats on that!
One thing that stands out is you are having a lot of micro-arousals (RERA's). You can see it in the "spikies" in your flow rate chart. A bit more pressure as Gainerfull suggested would help. I suggest bumping it up to 8 as he suggested, but also increase the top end from 10 to 12. This gives the machine a bit more room to work.
Your flow limits are not bad, but you may be one of us lucky individuals who have their sleep disturbed by it and the associated pressure increases.If it feels like it is too much, adding some EPR to help with the comfort would not be a bad thing. Maybe start with an EPR of 1 and increase from there if needed.
Post some charts after you make the changes and give it a few days to settle in.