Pretty sure I don't have COPD and I can't explain why some nights I have hypoxic periods and some night not. Last night I had 27 minutes at and below 88%. But another night : Avg SpO2 97 overnight and lowest 90%. That irregularity of when those episodes occur may make qualifying harder. I have been trying to print out my records for tomorrow. The links Jay provided may be helpful to my Dr. in any event.
Some folks with an interest in sleep apnea have an interest in sleep and sleep stages as well. This morning I ran across an article that associated stage 3 sleep with hyperoxia (links below).
[fwiw: my "light sleep" is almost always high, either because of low deep or low rem, sometimes both. Last night my Deep was fine, but REM low, coincidentally or not, the hypoxic episode (27 min low) occurred in the last 1/4 of my sleep and there was no subsequent REM after that. ( true, true and unrelated maybe, but maybe not, no time to look at my records now.]
the link: Hyperoxia enhances slow-wave forebrain states in urethane-anesthetized and naturally sleeping rats | Journal of Neurophysiology and a brief review:
Resting easy: Oxygen promotes deep, restorative sleep | ScienceDaily
since I included the Http it didn't show the address, so with http removed (which will have to be replaced on the other end to connect):
These are from 2018, but new to me, in case anyone is interested. There may be others, but I don't have time to look now.
There are plenty of articles on the importance of deep sleep but I had seen little on achieving that until I ran across this article.
Wm kintz