04-22-2012, 05:08 PM
RE: Pricy Mask ?????
There's no excuse for what we pay in Canada. Most people get their masks with their machines, and we have a program called Assisted Devices Program. This is a government program (read taxpayer) that pays a certain percentage of the cost of these devices, and usually a private medical insurance pays most of the rest. Everything that is purchased from a Canadian DME is outrageously priced, but we have to get our products from these Canadian suppliers if we want to use the ADP and the Canadian private insurers, as the insures want to see the ADP pay first. It is a horrible waste of tax payer's money. I have purchased many items on E-bay, and various suppliers on-line and have saved tons of money. We pay at least double for all products that could easily be purchased on-line. It's a rip-off, and Yes, you paid too much!