(01-14-2014, 01:38 PM)PaulaO2 Wrote: I'm finding that the Nuance is really staying in place. I sleep on my side predominantly but also move around a lot. It's not coming loose at all. I'm having more problems with the mask hose than the mask itself. I swear, that hose is alive.
Reduced Size [RS] Nuance Frame Replacement Part . . .
Got my Nuance Pro on Saturday, and have been trying it. The pillows are very comfortable. The frame, for me, not so much. Tonight I'll cover the gel face pads with covers from Swift Fx that I never used.
Biggest problem is that the headgear is, as usual, apparently designed for bigger heads than mine. I considered taking it to a tailor and getting the back of the head piece cut down and re-sewn to be smaller.
I had even larger leaks than with anything else -- one hour last night between 3 and 4 with about 40 minutes of large leak. Even with my wide elastic chin strap on top of the mask to hold it down, I still had too much leaking.
After digging around online, discovered that Phillips actually makes, for the fabric version of Nuance, an "RS" frame. RS for Reduced Size. It's just the front part of the whole assembly, so no change in the part that goes over the top and around the back of the head, the stretchy part. But the RS frame should make that part fit tighter by pulling it further forward.
One of the selling sites says it won't fit on the headgear from the Nuance Pro with the gel pads - so I have to get a whole new fabric version of the mask, and then change out the front part.
If anyone is interested, I can give you the Phillips Part Number and one site even has a picture of the part, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the part number here.
I rang my DME and of course they don't have that part number listed in their database and tried to send me just the fabric version of the whole mask, which is a different part number, saying that it is a smaller size. I checked the part number the DME gave me with the Phillips data online, and it's not -- it's just the standard Nuance kit, not an RS version. Phillips doesn't list an RS version of the full mask kit.
I told them to hold up on shipping that until they can get me the RS [reduced size] frame replacement part to go with it, otherwise, I'm really just duplicating the problem I have with the Pro version that's too big around my head to get a comfortable seal on the pillows that will stay in place.
I will win this war on leaks!
But I also agree, at my usual pressure of 12-13, the hose is busy all night long.