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[Product Review] Resmed AirFit P10
RE: Resmed AirFit P10
I am the latest convert to AirFit P10. I was using a FFM - Airfit F10 for the last 4 months. I had leaks under control with that too. But over time, I realized that I am a nose breather and not a mouth breather. So I got a P10 and gave it a shot last night. I am an active side sleeper.

My views:
1) The headgear is a brilliant piece of design. I don't know why people want velcros when this minimalistic design is so useful and just works.
2) I wore mine fairly loose so that it doesn't put too much pressure on the nostrils.
3) Slept thruout the night with the P10. Woke up with no irritation/soreness on the nostrils.
4) Woke up with marks of the frame on the upper cheeks (since I am a side sleeper), but it was similar to what I got on the F10.
5) My RDI was 0.25 and Flow Limitation was greatly reduced (from my regular 1.4) to 0.25
6) My machine pressure average and 95% has dropped precipitously. My min pressure is 7.5. With the P10 my average pressure was 7.76 and 95% pressure was 9.0. Comparing it to the F10, it used to run 9.0 and 10.8.
7) Best of all, my leaks are non-existent pretty much with this mask. Average leak of 0.14L/min. 95% leak rate of 1.0. With the F10, it used to be 3.5 and 9 (and that too after cutting a mask liner from a t-shirt every day).
8) Its venting is amazing. I had to stop breathing and putting my hands real close to the vent to see if it is running. The F10 is a fairly quiet mask as far as venting goes, but compared to the P10, F10 is a noise racket :-).
9) And I got this mask for $60 from Amazon brand new. The F10 will run $120+ at Amazon.

I want to thank everyone who contributed to this thread. I read it thru and thru, before I ordered this mask. And your comments have helped me immensely.

All in all, I am amazed at this mask. I give it 10/10.
PRS1 Auto & Dreamstation Auto w/ P10 and straight pressure of 8cm
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RE: Resmed AirFit P10
Well, I will be giving the P10 a run here in the next few nights. Keep your eyes open for my thoughts / comments and a full review in the next few days.
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RE: Resmed AirFit P10
(02-15-2014, 01:59 PM)eviltim Wrote: :O Can't they just take your word for it!

It is definitely a very quiet mask.

I washed mine an hour or so ago. One downside of the construction is that you can't chuck the straps in the dryer, but it's also small enough that it should dry out in a few hours.

Hey Tim, just wondering, you do know you can take the fabric off the ridgid plastic right? I didn't think I could until I found a video of the guy showing how (I think it was a Lanky Lefty on you tube, if not it was the nice Asian man who does a lot of videos)

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RE: Resmed AirFit P10
The pillow part also detaches from the rest, meaning a little warm water from the tap into the hose side is all that is needed. Then you can independently rinse the pillow part with warm water and a little hand soap or the equivalent.

If you want the mask to last, I am not sure heat and the "rock tumbler" action of a dryer is really all that good of an idea. At a bare minimum use low heat and throw a few towels in to cushion the action. And I honestly don't see a problem with simply rinsing the whole thing straps and all under the tap then letting it sit for an hour--bone dry.
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RE: Resmed AirFit P10
Ok...so here it goes... my Airfit P10 review

Overall 5

When my DME and I decided to give this a go, I wasn't sure how well it would work. Really, it looked like the next iteration of the venerable Swift FX nasal pillow mask with a one size fits most headgear and bigger diffuser. I didn't have the greatest experience with the Swift as it didn't seem to be able to stay in place as well with my more active sleeping. The P10 has actually kept up, which was a fair bit of a surprise.

In the box: Ok, when you open up the package, there is a box inside. Within the box is a short length of very flexible tubing connected to the diffuser plate of the mask. Installed on this is the medium nasal pillows. Also in the box are the small and large pillows. In my case, I had to swap out to the large and it was, quite literally, a snap. You just lever off the current pillows and snap the new one in place.

The flexible tubing is common with many pillow masks...something with a bit more give to provide a buffer between you mask and the usually heavier tubing from the machine. This one seems to have a bit more "spring" to it....and I think that is part of the reason why the P10 stays in place better than the old Swift FX it replaces.

Headgear: ok...I was very skeptical at first. This is a one-size-fits-most thing that is split...supposedly you can control the tension on the mask by how wide you split the back. I'm not convinced about that (feels about the same to me whether they are together (like the single strap used on the PillaroQ) or spread wide....but fortunately, the material of the headgear itself tends to be a bit grippy and the tension not too high. I haven't had any strap marks that have lasted longer than an hour....even after waking up laying hard on one side (as in the pillow marks were just as visible). The headgear has, though, managed to keep the mask in place in spite of my usual tossing and turning during the night.

Mask use: I was most impressed by the diffuser. This is one of the quietest masks I have ever used. Even rolled over with the exhaust stream half in the pillow, the diffuser still kept the mask at a very low sound level. Big improvement over some other masks I've used.

The pillows are fairly comfortable with the same dual cone construction found in masks like the Swift FX. They do, however, seem a little more pliable. On the positive side, the easier disassembly of the mask makes it far easier to clean than the previous version.

When coupled with the grippier headgear, the mask does seem to stay in place quite well with only minimal leaks. Personally, I have found leaks to be the biggest bane to nasal pillow masks....a little torque and the mask seems to get pulled out of position really easily. Well, ResMed seems to have found a decent combination to keep things well planted without having to drop an anchor of tension or stickiness on your face.

The usual caveat about nasal congestion and the use of a nasal interface applies (if you can't breathe through your nose or you're congested due to a cold, you may need to go with an alternate interface).

So, overall, I am reasonably impressed. For the time being, this is the main "normal use" mask, but I'll be keeping the FitLife around as the alternative for when i have a cold / congestion and can't get by on a pure nasal interface. Definitely one to look at if a nasal pillows mask works for you.

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RE: Resmed AirFit P10
For the most part i agree, its a very thought trough design

Only a few things to add.

For me the P10 sleeps WAAAY way way better with the tubing overhead by the "Aloha mask" strap i ordered (see other thread)
I have another P10 that now has a thin velcro loop sewn to upper band.

I am still figuring out wich way is better in guiding the tubing and comfort.

For me the tension does Certainly respond to widening and Narrowing the straps on your head.

If i would have to grade both the Swift and the P10
i would give the Swift a 6, and the P10 an 8+
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RE: Resmed AirFit P10
Been on cpap since march 1996.

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RE: Resmed AirFit P10
Lab rat, while I'm always glad to see an easy to read post, perhaps your review needs a little more?


Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: Resmed AirFit P10
(02-24-2015, 12:35 PM)PaulaO2 Wrote: Lab rat, while I'm always glad to see an easy to read post, perhaps your review needs a little more?


oh thanks Paula.
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RE: Resmed AirFit P10
Thanks to so many great reviews of the AirFit P10, I went out on a limb to give it a try. So glad I did!

I'm coming up on my one year anniversary (April) of my diagnosis and my dive into the world of CPAP. I could be the poster boy for success with CPAP therapy, things have gone that well for me.

But back to the mask...

For the first few weeks as a newbie, I tried a nasal mask...had leaks out the wazoo...never could get things settled. So I tried the Nuance Pro nasal pillows. I thought I had found Nirvana as compared to the nasal mask...I thought that was it...it was the only one I'd ever need.

Since last summer, as many can attest, the headgear was simply wearing out and I wasn't able to get a good fit any more, even though it is adjustable. I was beginning to think about ordering a new one. Something led me back to this forum, to see if by chance there might be something better. I was now having to adjust the mask several times a night, which was interrupting my sleep...and one of the benefits of using CPAP is to NOT have to awaken during the night. So, back to this forum I came...

At the same time, I called my DME...great people. She told me to research the AirFit P10....and I found this thread. 14 pages, mostly positive...that speaks volumes. In particular, I noticed the few that had experience moving from the Nuance Pro to the AirFit P10...and most of them were quite pleased. So, my DME had one in stock and I went to pick it up.

Side note: It feels quite awkward to get all giddy with excitement when I get a new mask. Just me? LOL

I also had to get a new chin strap, as unfortunately, I am a mouth leaker too. I didn't start out that way, but after two months of therapy, I began to experience the lip/mouth leaks...so I now wear a "tiara style" chin strap. That thing is quite restricting and cumbersome, but hey...it works. My previous one had become to come apart at the seams and lose its elasticity, so I needed a new one...and they aren't expensive like all the other stuff we have to have.

Now the P10: I only thought the Nuance Pro was good. This mask is perfect...at least for me. Many have commented about the flimsy head gear, but so far, 5 days in, I have no issues with it. I have a large head for an average size guy, and it fits me perfectly.

As for the pillows...it only took 5 minute to find the right fit of the three sizes. They sit in place all night and so far I have yet to touch them...as opposed to constantly readjusting the pillows with the Nuance Pro. BIG difference. And I move a lot in my sleep too...I had no problem with the pillows staying perfectly in place, even when sleeping on my side.

The tubing: some have commented about the non-swivel tube connections. I thought that might be a problem for me, as I had become used to having the tube routed over my head with the Nuance Pro. But actually, I'm enjoying this one better, with the tubing draped off the side of the bed. Now when my pillow moves and gets lodged against the headboard (which happens nightly), it doesn't immobilize the tubing. That's yet another thing that I used to have to be semi-conscious of...and now, I don't have to worry about it. Of course, now I do have to remember not to get my arms tangled in it, but so far, so good.

My API has remained below 1.0...most of the time below .50. My leaks have virtually disappeared. This is it...I've found my mask.

My wife loves it too. Now, when I roll over and face her in my sleep, I don't blow cool air all over her, nor do I have to readjust the pillows, which does make a loud noise and wakes her. Now we both are much happier people.

If there's a better mask out there, I'd love to know about it. This one is nearly perfect. If it wasn't for having to wear my chin strap, I'd barely know I had a mask on...it is so light and unobtrusive.

I know I'm late to the game with my review of the mask, but hey...I just found out about it, and I'm sure there are others out there like me. So hopefully my comments might help someone, just like many of your comments helped me.

Now...everyone sleep tight!
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