I got this on 8/11/2015. I started using my new Resmed Autoset S-10 on 7/17/2015. I had large leak issues from the start, which apparently continued from my old machine, an S-8.
So, I have large leak issues. I didn't believe I was a mouth breather as it didn't wake me up at night. Overall I usually wake up well slept and refreshed, even with large leaks. All my other #'s are very low, including the all important AHI, which is usually/almost 100% less than 1.0
This product is relatively inexpensive, even if you had to pay out of pocket.
It does what it is designed to do, keep your mouth closed.
This is THE ONLY chinstrap I have tried, so I have nothing to compare it to. It was recommended by my Sleep Tech. That being said, it is extremely comfortable, easy to use and maintain. It seems to be very durable. I have seen some reviews online at different sites talking of bulk, being to warm etc. I have found none of these to be an issue. It is like anything else, a slow process making adjustments, seeing if things get better or worse etc.
I can not find any negative with this product. If you feel you need a chinstrap, this would be a good 1st choice, even if you had to try a few to find one you like I would recommend this to anyone.
The proof to me is my LL's were ALWAYS in the 40-60% range, and now I'm constantly between 10-20% and finding little tweaks to get it even lower.