Link to first post:
After advice from OpalRose and Maskup Sleepwell (thanks) I went to raise my Min APAP pressure and found that my machine had developed a fault and would not go into therapy mode (!). Machine returned and repaired. Pressure increased from 5 to first 7, then to 8. Here is my AHI journey over the past 7 months.
As you can see, the improvement is not what you would call dramatic; more slow and steady with lots of fluctuation.
The situation has changed over the last 10 days as my AHI has suddenly become pretty stable between 3-4. I feel like I've "arrived" in some sense. (or at least "technically treated") It only took 7 months!
Here's some data.
Some nights the pressure remains steady through the night (95% Press = 9.0):
Other nights the pressure still rises & falls more.(95% Press = 10.8)
From the monthly stats, the OA shows the most improvement, but CA and HA have also improved to a lesser extent.
Leaks continue to be an issue with my dreamwear nasal mask, but I think the pros (for me) outweigh the cons.
My 90% pressure is 9.7 (ave press 8.52) for the last 2 weeks. My APAP setting is currently 8-13 (with aflex x1 pressure relief).
Do you think I should narrow the range further? 8.5 - 12?