I replaced my 60-series System One Autos (I had two) with a new Airsense 10 Autoset, and began using it on February 1. On 5 out of 17 nights, my pressure has maxed out for 30-60 minutes before dropping. Also, on 3 of those 5 nights, I had substantial snoring at that time. Last night (Sunday, February 18) was the worst one, with the pressure running high for an unusually long time. On about half of the nights, the pressure stayed near the bottom of the range for most of the night. I am leaning toward increasing the maximum pressure but I would like to hear other opinions first.
The 12-16 range I have been using is far lower than the 15-20 I was using on the System One. A minimum of 12 was entirely ineffective on the System One, but mostly works well on the Airsense 10. I will say that my sleep quality has improved noticeably with the Airsense 10, although I woke up a bit groggy this morning.
You may notice that February 5 is missing. I used an S8 Autoset II that night while trying to decide whether to use it as a backup machine, or purchase a second Airsense 10 Autoset. I switched to the second Airsense 10 on February 8.
Thanks in advance for your insight!