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03-24-2022, 09:06 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2022, 09:16 PM by PurpleOx.)
Replacing filter fiber in N30i and P30i QuietAir vents - possible!
Use fine point tweezers for removing old fiber, use Tweezerman curved scissors to cut CPAP disposable filter to shape, push in new fiber with finger and gently pull through with tweezers again.
Not scared of germs, I just like things clean and spotless.
Edit: Full disclosure, I have a fit pack so I had two backups of the vents in case I messed up. It's really loud without the filter in there! aka don't try this at home unless you have a spare lol
RE: Replacing filter fiber in N30i and P30i QuietAir vents - possible!
Thank you for this useful post -- I currently use a Dreamwear Nasal mask (which I like), but I've ordered an N30i just to see how it feels and works. I expect to try out your surgical instructions at some point in the not-too-distant future.
Machine: Resmed S9 & S11 Autosense Mask Type: Nasal pillows Mask Make & Model: Resmed Swift FX and AirFit P30i Nasal Pillow Humidifier: built in CPAP Pressure: unsure CPAP Software: OSCAR
RE: Replacing filter fiber in N30i and P30i QuietAir vents - possible!
Do you know or think the thickness or fit of the filter replacement will change the pressure setting or require a tweak? Have you looked by chance? I am going to try this. Love the idea and am using the resmed sqaure machine air filter cut to size but it does look a bit thicker and my cuts are not great.