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Display average AHI over time period ?
Display average AHI over time period ?
I would like to plot or look at an average of AHI over a period of time, say 1 month or 2 months...  

Average over the time showing in overview time would be perfect.

I know that I can export data to a CSV file and then calculate that externally.

I was hoping that OSCAR had a feature that could do this.  If it can do this, I cannot find it.  I looked in online help and the options in OSCAR.

Reason for doing this is kind of interesting in itself...  Last summer and fall I went through treatment for lung cancer.  I noticed that as soon as I had my first infusion that my AHI dropped quite a bit.  Especially on the very night I had the infusion.   It appears from OVERVIEW that the 9 weeks of my 3 treatment infusions that the average is lower than previous months where my AHI had some high AHI values.

I mentioned this AHI reduction to doctors and they had never heard of chemotherapy reducing AHI numbers.

I have been using a CPAP/BIPAP machine for 20+ years now.

Thanks !
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RE: Display average AHI over time period ?
I believe the information you need is available, how ever in a somewhat cryptic form.
I believe that the Overview tab has that information for AHI.
Right now i'm on a road trip and have limited time. To the best of my knowledge the top line of the AHI graphs contain
minimum, medium, and maximum values for AHI and apneas for the displayed days.
So just set the display range to your desired period. and then you can see you results.
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