OSCAR Not importing correctly?
Hi all,
I'm new to this board so apologies if I make any errors or formatting faux pas.
I've been importing data from my APAP successfully for the last couple weeks. Last night's session did not import correctly, it's missing the bulk of my use. It only shows the session a session after I woke up early, took off my mask, and put it back on and went to back to sleep. Even myAir tracked my usage last night as 7:56 hours. I tried purging the selected day and re-importing, but the problem persists.
Help please, I'm still trying to meet my compliance for the month and can't afford more days like this. Thanks in advance!
RE: OSCAR Not importing correctly?
Hi tossmeplz. Welcome to Apnea Board.
Looking at the session times, it's reporting that the first session started at 22:42:53 and finished at 22:41:54 for a total duration of -59 seconds. In other words the session started 59 seconds after it finished! This obviously breaks all the laws of physics and may well be the answer to faster than light travel, or time travel. Are you sure it's not a De Lorean?
You say that MyAir shows 7+ hours - is this also shown on the control panel of your machine? If so, I suspect the data has been corrupted and that your SD card may be the culprit. Was there a power spike that you're aware of? If you have a spare card, see what response you get with that - remember you won't get the highly detailed data from last night as this is not saved within the machine.
An alternative approach is to reload last night's data. To do this, follow these steps:
- In the Oscar main menu go to Data | Advanced
- Select Purge current selected day
- Reload the data from the SD card.
Let us know how you get on.
RE: OSCAR Not importing correctly?
Thank you for the welcome and the reply.
Yes, my machine also shows the session as 7+ hours. I don't think there was any power spike.
I did try to purge the day and re-import but it didn't help.
I haven't had the problem in the subsequent days, just the one, crossing my fingers it doesn't happen again. If it does, I guess I'll try a new SD card.
Thanks again!
RE: OSCAR Not importing correctly?
My OSCAR has been doing the same thing. I tried a different SD card, to no avail. I finally went under the data tab, rebuild data, clicked the appropriate machine I'm currently using, and the two days that were missing reappeared. I figured at that point, I'd have to delete and reinstall OSCAR and start over, so what was there to lose. Until a couple days ago, the software was flawless. Will see how it goes the next time I pull the SD card and download.