Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
Do any of the vendors on the
Supplier List offer to register your Resmed machine with AirView so that your doctor can see your data online?
Someone said they thought at least one of the vendors offered this for an additional fee, but I searched all of the US-based vendors for "AirView" and didn't find such an offering.
Supplier #1 definitely doesn't offer this I know.
If no online vendors do this, are there any "hacks" that accomplish the same thing, such as "switching DME suppliers" after the initial online purchase and persuading the second one to register the previously purchased machine?
I'm trying to reduce the friction for my doctor so we don't have to do the SD card dance. I figure that the more of a pain I am as a patient, the less incentive there is to fully engage with me and my data.
RE: Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
It's doubtful you would persuade any DME to register your machine and handle the reporting of your data if that machine wasn't purchased from them. I could be wrong though.
RE: Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
Agreed, the main reason I asked is that apparently some here have switched from one local DME to another, and were somehow able to transfer management/ownership to the second DME.
RE: Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
It was my understanding that my DME, Apria at the time, regsitered my machine to check compliance for reimbursement -- and associated my sleep doctor's name with the request for remote monitoring. I am unaware of anyone attempting to alter my settings remotely -- either through the doctor or the dme.
It seems to me that your doctor would need to enroll in the AirView program to gain access and then associate himself with your machine id to receive results or alter settings.
"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane." -- Marcus Aurelius
RE: Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
I also purchased my ResMed from
Supplier #1 and my Dr (at the time) was adamant about AirView. Unfortunately I never did find a way to get my unit registered for it. He wasn't happy about it but I reminded him that he works for me! I had asked him to look into getting done through his practice somehow, but I never got a response back from him. He has since been fired (by me).
I would check with your Dr's office and ask who the tech is that usually does the sleep stuff. He/she would likely be in a better position to know how to get your data without airview. Maybe DropBox or something. My previous Dr was "technologically challenged" and had to call his sleep tech in to get something on his computer half the time. Other than that you may be forced to bring your SD card when you go.
RE: Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
Yesterday I contacted all the US-based suppliers from the list and have received responses from two so far who say yes, they can do this. Those are
Supplier #14 and
Supplier #33. Happily for me, they also have some of the best prices. I'll report back as I hear from more.
RE: Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
Here's the question I sent to all US-based companies on the Supplier List.
Quote:Hi, are you able to register Resmed CPAP machines with the Resmed AirView system so that my doctor can see my data and send updates to the machine? It’s fine if it’s an additional cost.
Here are the responses:
Supplier #1 No
Supplier #2 No
Supplier #3 No
Supplier #4 No
Supplier #6 No
Supplier #8 Hasn't responded
Supplier #9 Hasn't responded
Supplier #10 No
Supplier #14 Yes, will do for free
Supplier #15 No
Supplier #17 Hasn't responded
Supplier #18 Hasn't responded
Supplier #25 Hasn't responded
Supplier #26 Hasn't responded
Supplier #29 No
Supplier #30 Yes, will do for free
Supplier #33 Yes, will do for $25
Hopefully this is helpful for others who want to escape the "services" of their local DME and go online, without creating additional hassle for their sleep doc.
RE: Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
Thanks for these informations.
Do you know if they are able to give you an acces to airview?
Best regards Biorn.
RE: Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
AirView is a professional only software used by doctors and providers to monitor their patient's use and efficacy. The general public and patients are not allowed to access AirView, but if the service is available in your country, you can subscribe free to the patient side called MyAir.
RE: Resmed AirView registration by online suppliers?
I do know that ResMed charges DME companies a fee per patient that they add to AirView which is some companies may not want to add people that they didn't set up on machines.
However (isn't there always one?) some DME companies (like the one I work at) got through a loophole of some sort that we aren't charged the fee. Don't know how it happened, not going to complain about it either.