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Respironics C-Flex Pressure Sensors Needed
Respironics C-Flex Pressure Sensors Needed
Hello all! I just found this site and I hope someone can be of help for my situation. I have a Respironics REMstar Auto C-Flex #1017453 that I've had for a number of years (built in '06) and it has performed well. If you want to avoid reading all of the long-winded explanation of my problem and can help me with what I'm needing, please go to the last paragraph. Smile

About a year ago this CPAP shut down during the night with the error code E-77 that alerted me to a pressure sensor problem. Reading a bit about the nature of this problem with this unit, I easily disassembled it and located the hose barb nearest the air outlet had split and I removed it with plenty of the connector stub left to reconnect the hose. Problem solved until about a month ago when in the middle of the night the air flow shut off again and the alarm sounded showing the same code. I opened it up thinking the hose might've slipped off the connector but that wasn't the case. I put it back together and it ran fine for about an hour and then shut down again. I had to unplug the power each time this happened & etc. making my nights frustrating after this happened with increasing frequency. Now it shuts down in about five minutes. I'm pretty much convinced that an actual pressure sensor is the problem with the unit at this point. I'm in the process of getting a new device but it seems a shame to trash and otherwise great piece of equipment.

Does anyone have available or access to a schematic for my unit showing the parts? I'm assuming that since the circuit board contains practically everything for this unit outside of the fan motor, I'm also assuming parts such as the two pressure sensors it uses are common to other models from Respironics of the same model type and time period. I'd love to be able to find the parts from a scrapped unit to replace them on mine so that I might have a backup machine. It's taken me over two weeks to get to the point of getting a replacement unit. Sleeping in a recliner is for the birds! If anyone can help with either info or parts, I'm heartily thanking you in advance!
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RE: Respironics C-Flex Pressure Sensors Needed
Way above my pay grade what with senors and such involved but theres probably somebody on here that knows about such stuff and can help you. Somebody always seems to have a fix for everything else around here LOL. Hang on for the engineering dept LOL.

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RE: Respironics C-Flex Pressure Sensors Needed
Not a clue. Such things are rare birds.

There is a repair place in the Supplier's List (link at top of page). Two actually. #27 and #28. Contact them and see if they can help you.

If you ever do get your hands on the service manual or anything else, consider passing it along! We can use it to help the next person.

Oh, and if you do get it fixed, please please let us know that you did and what happened. Again, that way it will help someone else.

In the mean time, also consider Supplier #2. They sell used and open box machines. You can get a newer machine while you play with that one. Heck, you can ask if they have one like yours then use yours for parts!

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: Respironics C-Flex Pressure Sensors Needed
Much like consumer electronics, a repair is done by replacing the main board. The sensors are on the main board.
Trying DIY is nearly impossible.

The manufacturer's do not publish schematic diagrams; at best, a block diagram might be found.

You are at the end of the design lifetime for a unit built in 2006. What is the total runtime on that unit -- probably in excess of 20,000 hours.

Best give that machine a proper burial.
Admin Note:
JustMongo passed away in August 2017
Click HERE to read his Memorial Thread

~ Rest in Peace ~
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RE: Respironics C-Flex Pressure Sensors Needed
Hi maui4me,
WELCOME! to the forum.!
Hang in there for more responses to your post and much success to you as you continue your CPAP therapy.
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RE: Respironics C-Flex Pressure Sensors Needed
Look in the CPAP setup manuals link at the top of the page.

You might watch your local Craigslist for a similar machine. You'll probably see a lot of junky old machines at ridiculous prices, but occasionally, you'll see one that's reasonably priced or even free.

However, if you're diving into Craigslist, as long as you're not in a hurry, you might as well look for a more modern, data capable PRS1 or S9 machine.

BTW, read the links in my signature line to help you not get screwed by your DME (CPAP seller) on the new unit.

Have you gotten your new unit yet or when do you expect it? Do you know what you're getting?
Get the free OSCAR CPAP software here.
Useful links.
Click here for information on the main alternative to CPAP.
If it's midnight and a DME tells you it's dark outside, go and check it yourself.
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RE: Respironics C-Flex Pressure Sensors Needed
I dont know but im guessing a scrapped machine of the same make model would have the same parts like cars.

Hey wait a min!!! A cpap junkyard!!!!! Why id be a millionaire. Cpap garage maybe???? Nah sounds to good to work LOL.
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RE: Respironics C-Flex Pressure Sensors Needed
Thanks for the info from everyone. It did indeed have almost 22,000 hours on it and other than the sensor, it runs fine. I just picked up it's replacement from our approved DME supplier. It was a brand new design ResMed and very different from the old. This one like more like a high-end desk radio! I hope it's half the machine the old one was.
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