After many years on CPAP I've only just discovered Oscar. This may be a bit advanced for night 3 but your trace about 0230 reminded me a bit of my trace last night.
If you see the blue lines (apnea / hypopnea) close together that is possibly/probably "positional apnea". That is apnea that occurs in one position - normally on your back with the head facing the ceiling. It seems from reading the posts on here that positional apnea does NOT respond well to pressure changes. That is you won't get rid the issue by increasing the pressure. This is a bit of an issue with a Auto CPAP. When you roll onto your back, and you have positional apnea, the pressure ramps up to the max and you either get woken up by the Apnea or the gale being blown up your nose (or your mask gets "blown off"). The solution suggested seems to be using a soft surgical collar to keep the chin/jaw up - You can read about that elsewhere on the forum.
Here is my trace from last night. I've been videoing myself sleep with an infrared webcam and the only times I was on my back with face up were: 22:56-23:15, 0054-0057, 04:09-04:31.
And look where the blue lines were. That accounts for most of my apneas and, if the positional theory is correct, won't be resolved by increasing pressure. I ordered a surgical collar off ebay and it arrived this morning. Wish me luck.
If, as things settle down, you find yourself being woken up at times with high pressure where Oscar has a cluster of blue lines, consider if you may have positional apnea and need to address it differently.