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Been looking at my OSCAR charts and noticing a pattern. Usually a couple of minutes before an OA, I have what I call a garbage breath, followed by a triangular shaped right sloping inspiratory breaths till the OA. Then a recovery breath and back to a normal flow pattern. Any idea what causes the waveform to go from normal to a right sloping triangular wave? They do seem to happen on the second half of the evening if that means anything.
I am attaching 2 screenshots. 1 showing what I consider my normal flow and 1 showing the distortion that occurs after a garbage breath and precedes the OA.
"the quieter you become, the more you are able to hear"
the difference between the two curves is the time between exhale and inhale. my guess is that before the oa, you're working a little harder to breathe through mounting restriction, moving more quickly from exhale to inhale.
I have no particular qualifications or expertise with respect to the apnea/cpap/sleep related content of my posts beyond my own user experiences and what I've learned from others on this site. Each of us bears the burden of evaluating the validity and applicability of what we read here before acting on it.