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Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
Dolla Bill Wrote:Ok, talked with my insurance claims dept today. The DME who told me "no insurance pays for an autoset" is full of it! Hope I am not being too JudgeMental ! <grin>

She went on to say that any doctor "who is treating you for apnea" can write a script for whatever he feels is appropriate for you to have. ResMed S9 Autoset, humidifier, Climateline, machine set between 4 and 20 cm, anything else!

Script writing includes my primary care physician.

Just have him list what he feels you need. We (insurance) will pay 85% of everything and give you a mask, tube, filters and other consumables every six months for free.

I got a Nasal Swift FX and can't wait to try it out tonight. Also a chin strap!

Now, I am going to make a CPAP list!

I cannot thank the fine members of this forum for the incredible help in letting me know what can be done with a little persistance, what I need to help treat my condition, and knowing what's what! Bouncy

Kind regards
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RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
Steven Wrote:Sorry Ltmedic66, but I still think a very specific prescription is still the way to go. Only the mask should not be specific.

And, I just don't see the need for a 2nd "generic" prescription (Sorry to you also SuperSleeper).
It is tough enough to get what you need from the Doctor today - without having to convince him that I need not 1 prescription, I need 2 prescriptions.
Yeah, Yeah, I know that another Doctor can write me those prescriptions, but I just don't have the desire nor time to play that game.

As Zonk pointed out, the replacement period for CPAPs set by the insurance companies is usually 5 years. And I have had my current CPAP for 7 1/2 years. So much can change in that length of time. In another 5 - 8 years, my "perfect" prescription will probably be much different than it is today.

And just in case I am wrong, I have in my hand a "generic" prescription that I got from my Sleep Doctor in May 2011 when they wanted me to upgrade my CPAP then. I wil hang on to it just in case.

But, I will demand they write me a very specific prescription when I upgrade in the near future. That "specific" prescription will save me some time with the DME where they otherwise would try to argue that a ResMed Escape is all that I need. How many times have you seen the problems some people have in trying to get the CPAP they actually want. Those problems go away if you have a "very specific" prescription.

Hell, I may just also ask for a more current "generic" prescription when I get my "very specific" prescription.
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RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
zonk Wrote:
Steven,(time=1315170159) Wrote:How many times have you seen the problems some people have in trying to get the CPAP they actually want. Those problems go away if you have a "very specific" prescription.
Like what the wise man "archangle" said "If it's midnight and a DME tells you it's dark outside, go check for yourself"

zonk Wrote:Even if the prescription specify APAP (S9 Autoset) than you can use it in any mode you may wish so it is not problem just relax and have another Beer or any beverage of your choice .
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RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
Dolla Bill Wrote:Getting my wishlist ready. Looks like I want a

ResMed S9
H5i Humidifier and Climateline (tired of rainout)

I do some international traveling and camping. Think I will ask for a

ResMed S9 Battery pack.

Have looked for other accessories. Don't see anything else. May or may not get the battery, but sure won't get it if I don't ask!

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RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
Dolla Bill Wrote:
zonk,(time=1315193693) Wrote:
Dolla Bill,(time=1315187351) Wrote:Getting my wishlist ready. Looks like I want a

ResMed S9
H5i Humidifier and Climateline (tired of rainout)
ResMed S9 Autoset definitely not S9 Escape or S9 Escape Auto .
I did DL the 3.14 Rescan software, getting ready for the S9 Autoset. Pretty sure I can talk a Doc into writing a script that my insurance will fill.

Other than what I have listed, are there any other accessories for the S9 Autoset?
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RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
Dolla Bill Wrote:While I am waiting to get the S9 Autoset, I am looking at resetting the S8 Eclipse Escape II.

right now I have the following:

Ramp = 0
Min= 4
Max = 10.5 (down from 11. DME suggested Resmed Swift Nasal mask did not work well with pressure over 11. Machine was originality set at 11. After the recent sleep test, Doc said 11 was still correct)
EPR inhale = Med ( the other setting is "faster".)
EPR exhale = 3
EPR = on

There is a setting called "Calibrate" that I cannot find any data about. It is set at "1.11" what is this? When I try to change it, the machine comes on and blows air. I can't tell much difference in the airflow if I move the setting up or down. I have decided, until I can better understand what it does, to leave it alone.

Anyone know what it does?

Tried the chinstrap a few nights. Been practicing nose breathing and keeping my tongue against the roof of my mouth. Seemed to have stopped mouth breathing. Did not use the chin strap last night and mouth was fine this morning.

Trying to get a happy medium between sleeping comfort and being sure to maximize the therapeutic benefits. Even though I don't wake up with "dry mouth," should I keep using the chin strap?
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RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
Steven Wrote:There is an Oximeter adapter & Oximeter that will be incorporated into the data you can view with the ResScan software (as oppossed to you having to have separate software for the oximeter only).

But, it is quite pricey ! ! !

Look for the video on this forum about that adapter & oximeter.

Click on the link below & then scroll down to the bottom of that page.

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RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
zonk Wrote:S9 Accessories :
ResMed Power Station II
H5i Cleanable Water Tub
SD Card Reader
S9 Oximeter Adapter
S9 USB Adapter
SlimLine Tubing
SlimLine Tubing Wrap
S9 Series 30W Power Supply Unit
DC Converter 24V/90W
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RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
Dolla Bill Wrote:Stephen, Zonk, THANKS! I see the Oximeter Adapter. but where is the Oximeter? I also see an Embletta Adapter that looks to be some kind of data downloader. Also an SD card reader. I already have one of these readers for my camera SD card. Guess that would work.

The Oximeter sounds interesting. Off to bed, now, will look at the video tomorrow.
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RE: Sleep test results. What should I do, now?
zonk Wrote:Yep you can use any generic card reader and most these accessories probably you don,t need beside the climate line and cleanable water tub may be slimline tube wrap (slimline comes as standard).
Good night Dreaming
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