First, each time I import data from SD card from my S9, AHI for one particular day is "messed up" - to be precise, all data for all other dates are OK except for just one date: 2015-11-09! It is not first date (I started with treatment on 2015-11-07) so it is really interresting why only that date has a problem - and problem is: instead 3.03, SleepyHead shows 6.06! Then I use "rebuild CPAP data" option and it restores value back to 3.03... But next time I import new session from SD card, it again wrongly change AHI for only that day from 3.03 to 6... AHI for other dates are fine and it does not affect them... I can't figure out why this happens, but today I backup all SleepyHead data and delete my profile and create new, import SD from scratch and now looks that it stopped doing that for that date (didn't have time to check other days, but for 2015-11-09 AHI now stays 3.03 when I import from SD).
But, this morning I have another problem - SleepyHead missed one OA event... For date 2015-12-08 my AHI was 3.1 (S9 shows on display and ResScan software also show correct value) but SleepyHead shows 2.86! The reason for this is that last night, among other apnea types, I had 3 obstructive apnea events (as it is clearly seen in ResScan) but SleepyHead shows only 2 of them (which is reason for miscalculation). That last OA that is not detected in SleepyHead happened at 6:04:59 which is clearly seen at ResScan - and it happened almost exactly at the moment when I get out of bed and turned machine off.
Now, let say it is OK not to count it because I was awake in that moment and that OA is obviously wrongly detected by S9 - but Sleepyhead definitelly should get it from CD card data because ResScan did (it is written on SD)... I also noticed that detected end time in SleepyHead is 6:04:26 which is obvious reason for not detecting that OA because it happened later at 6:04:59 so 6:04:26 is not real end time for session - so SleepyHead oviously did not get all last night data from SD card...
Does anybody else noticed simmilar problems?