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Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
I am currently on a medication that is considered quite addicting. Baclofen. I also take Vicoden for the break through pain. I had to work hard (years) to get that Vicoden to be regularly prescribed. I wouldn't be on the baclofen except the prescription insurance stopped paying for my other muscle relaxer (skelaxin). It was expensive, yes, but it had no side effects. None.

The era of us taking whatever the doctors give us has ended. With websites like RxList and even WebMD, we can research our diagnoses and our medications. And we should.

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
I'm very leary of even taking prescribed meds without thoroughly investigating what it's supposed to do, what it could do and what to look out for. I was recently given a beta blocker by my cardiologist's assistant and I knew almost immediately after reading up on it that the cardiologist wouldn't want me on it which showed me she hadn't read any of my history and was prescribing blind, so to speak. This experience really affirmed to me the importance of vigilance over exactly what is going into ones body.

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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
It also emphasizes the need to get all your meds from the same pharmacy. I know folks like to shop around for the best price but it is best to get it all from the same place. That way they can help spot errors.

Take a deep breath and count to zen.

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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
A superb thread! MY opinion is that education is the key. Not education "don't do it" but rather education regards what certain drugs and substances do to one's body and the end results. Legalization will take drugs out of the hands of the criminals.... but there are drugs that are perfectly legal according to today's laws that are being designed by chemistry students and sold in the open on the internet. Legalize? A two way sword I'm afraid these days. Education? Don't put that stuff into your mouth or veins or whatever. That ultimately, IMHO, will be the bottom line resolution to the problem. Take away the market and the illegal drugs will disappear. Take away those that are willing to use unknown drugs and perhaps we won't have to be locking our medication in a safe to keep it from curious hands. Dunno. But the status quo is unacceptable.

Regretably, what we are faced with is ignorant people wanting to hear themselves speak and wanting to create work for themselves or little kingdoms they can rule over, etc.

Barbra Schlifer was the daughter of a good friend of mine.... a lawyer out celebrating being called to the bar one night and on entering her apartment complex she was assaulted and murdered by a whacko. They created a legal clinic in her memory... and that clinic works with public money and donated money. In Canada they have just scrapped the long-gun registry as it is of no use and costs a fortune to maintain. There is not even a suggestion that it has saved a single life or prevented an armed assault (DUH? Those that register their firearms are upstanding citizens boys and girls). Yet, this organization is now filing for an injunction to prevent the scrapping of this registry as they feel it will promote assaults on women, etc. It is this kind of ignorance we are dealing with when we talk drug abuse advocacy and there is little we can do about it. Stand up and announce a cause.... any cause... and people will send money.

Education. From kindergarten upwards is the key. Laws mean nothing as long as there is profit involved.
Educate, Advocate, Contemplate.
Herein lies personal opinion, no professional advice, which ALL are well advised to seek.

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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
A big part of what Apnea Board is about is what we often call "patient empowerment", where patients decide to educate themselves and take a very active role in their own treatment (be it OSA or other medical issues).

We have to start thinking for ourselves. Yes, some folks don't have the mental ability to do that, but many do... and for them, they will be best-served by learning as much as they can about their medical condition and how proper treatment works prior to committing to it.

No patient should blindly follow a doctor's advice without at least attempting to understand the basics of what's being prescribed as a treatment. Doctors are not perfect and they do make mistakes. Their own experience, education, and knowledge levels vary dramatically.

What gets me upset is that folks will follow a doctor's orders (especially with something as dangerous as prescription drugs) without any attempt to understand how the drugs are supposed to work. They can indeed get hooked on prescription drugs if they don't do their own due-diligence when seeking treatment.

NEVER follow ANY professional blindly. That's my advice. If you're physically and mentally able to do so, RESEARCH the issue yourself. Heck, you're already on the Internet, so why not use the Internet to help education yourself? It would make sense to me.

Steer clear of any professional that refuses to explain the treatment issues with you in a complete manner. The "just trust me, I'm the professional" attitude in some medical offices can be a DEADLY attitude for you to accept.

As always, just my personal opinion. Your mileage may vary Smile
Apnea Board Administrator


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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
(05-27-2012, 04:49 PM)SuperSleeper Wrote: Heck, you're already on the Internet, so why not use the Internet to help education yourself?

Research cuts into Facebook time! Too-funny
As always, YMMV! You do not have to agree or disagree, I am not a professional so my mental meanderings are simply recollections of things from my own life.

PRS1 - Auto - A-Flex x2 - 12.50 - 20 - Humid x2 - Swift FX
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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
(05-27-2012, 05:32 PM)mjbearit Wrote:
(05-27-2012, 04:49 PM)SuperSleeper Wrote: Heck, you're already on the Internet, so why not use the Internet to help education yourself?

Research cuts into Facebook time! Too-funny

WOW, if you acted like that over here you'd be struck off your doctors practice. Also in Scotland all our drugs are free! and the doctors word is law. Also you cant buy drugs in the uk you have to get them over the net which I think is also against the law for some drugs Thinking-about
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RE: Speed The Facts (Dont Do Drugs)
(05-28-2012, 01:11 AM)Dreamcatcher Wrote: Also you cant buy drugs in the uk you have to get them over the net which I think is also against the law for some drugs Thinking-about

My HMO has gone to wanting you to only order prescription refills online or via phone but having the mailed to your home. The co-pay is actually less to use this method. What I can't figure out is how they get away with it. One of my pain meds is controlled to the point I have to sign for it at the pharmacy, but I can order a refill, they will send it out by mail and it will sit in my mailbox (unlocked mailbox) until I get home from work and pick up the mail. No signature required and increased theft risk. Go figure.
The world has gone mad.
As always, YMMV! You do not have to agree or disagree, I am not a professional so my mental meanderings are simply recollections of things from my own life.

PRS1 - Auto - A-Flex x2 - 12.50 - 20 - Humid x2 - Swift FX
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