08-05-2021, 02:25 AM
Do these look like RERAs?
I've been trying to make sense of the data from my AirSense 10 AutoSet for Her and, on a whim, set a user flag for 3 seconds at 50% to try and get a better look at some flow limitations that might have been missed. I've zoomed in on some of the clusters and am wondering if these look like RERAs.
For some reason, the machine doesn't report RERAs at all, even though it should, from what I gather. Is this because it's (probably) an EU version? I was under the impression that all regional versions of the For Her report RERAs, so it should show up even if there were 0.
For some reason, the machine doesn't report RERAs at all, even though it should, from what I gather. Is this because it's (probably) an EU version? I was under the impression that all regional versions of the For Her report RERAs, so it should show up even if there were 0.