(07-11-2023, 07:23 AM)Sleeprider Wrote: The 6-year old study you posted actually confirms a history or the V/Q mismatch we have been discussing in this thread for some time. This explains the hypoxemia you have consistently shown without supplemental oxygen. The real question is whether that issue has progressed. With that history, and your problems with maintaining an normal SpO2, there should be plenty of reasons to follow-up with a Lung Scan Ventilation Perfusion study to see if this has progressed. It seems pulmonary embolism was not identified as a cause in the 2017 study, and if progression is slow, that probably remains the case. In any event, your need for supplemental oxygen should be medically confirmed and evaluated. The linked article notes some compelling symptoms consistent with your complaints and describes the diagnostic process with a perfusion/ventilation lung scan. https://www.verywellhealth.com/what-is-v...ngs-914928
I admit I am clueless on how to read these lung scan reports. From the language, it seems like they are claiming most abnormalities are artifacts. How do we know they aren't? It does seem like little to no effort was made over the years to confirm/disprove this initial finding. My pulmonary doctor specializes solely in Pulmonary Hypertension. The office is laser-focused on this disease. They are very nice doctors, but they shy away quickly from other issues in my experience. Most other findings result in me being referred out to wherever regardless if they are able to understand/handle/treat the problem in reality. It's a tough path.