I went to several general doctors & had many blood tests taken. Last testing done late 2020. (Blood tests for anyone interested
My doctor says I am depressed and should try out various anti-depressants. I have tried a few with no luck. I asked him to refer me to an ENT/Sleep Specialist. They did a nasal endoscopy and noticed it was very difficult to go up my right nostril, left was cramped as well. Was only told to try Flonase. (I never did, afraid of side effects.)
Here is where I did my 1st home sleep study, the Resmed ApneaLink Air. (results:
I didn't believe this test & believed I wasted my money as the ENT wouldn't let me do any more sleep studies after my perfect AHI 1 result. I decided to go online and find another home study. I found Lofta had the WatchPAT ONE home study so I tried it. Here are my results: It would seem I do suffer from sleep apnea to an extent. I was then prescribed a CPAP machine, but insurance refused to help since I went with an online website.
My father who has sleep apnea and a CPAP machine but doesn't treat it said I can use his Philips Dreamstation along with his full face mask by Resmed. I was able to get some nights of sleep with the face mask and a random pressure setting.
I then found out about the foam issue. I went on Amazon and found a chamber that didn't have any foam and replaced it with the original with the bad foam. Then I bought a Resmed P10 nasal pillow mask since I move around so often.
My current pressure settings are 8-15 using no humidifier. Size 15 basic hose. I can't seem to fall asleep anymore with either face mask on, it feels too stimulating and I feel like I have to MANUALLY BREATHE! Also, on the rare occasions I do fall asleep with the mask on I TAKE IT OFF IN MY SLEEP AN HOUR LATER!
My insurance is crap, and an in-lab would cost me $750, not counting appointments, all just to get a better picture of my issue.
my daily symptoms: I don't wake up refreshed, I have dull headaches, fatigue, malaise, depression, anxiety, dark circles under eyes, congested sinuses.
My questions are: What would be a better pressure setting?
Is my CPAP machine safe since I removed the foam chamber with a non-foam chamber?
Can I effectively use the humidity setting with my basic hose?
Why does the mask feel so stimulating and makes me feel like I am having trouble breathing?
Should I instead use my dad's NEW Philips Dreamstation 2?
Is it safe to assume sleep apnea is what is causing my unfreshing sleep and daily fatigue?
Any other advice you'd give to a man struggling with all this?