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Taking off mask at sleep - alarm as solution?
Taking off mask at sleep - alarm as solution?
I've already written a thread about this problem before. The problem is that I take off my mask in my sleep. And it is not just that I ripp it off, but I turn off the machine and sometimes even hang my mask on the side of the bed, before going back to sleep. When this problem was at its worst, I only got 2 hours of sleep with the CPAP machine. I have now changed mask, and it seems to be helping. 

Though I still have nights when I take it off. Already from the start, I've been thinking there should be an alarm that goes off when one turns the machine off in the middle of the night. And I've seen other posts by people who have the same problem. Some of these people have created their own solutions for making an alarm go off. Though most people, myself included, do not have the technical competences to build their own automated solution. I have recently talked to a company that works with surveillance systems for electricity (It’s a swedish company), I asked them if they had any ideas for a solution. And they told me that they might be able to modify an existing product, which is a plug that you put between your power outlet and the CPAP machine. This plug normally monitors electricity consumption. But with the modification, it would be able to trigger an alarm if the consumption suddenly goes under a set level. (when one turns the machine off for example). The approximate price per “plug” that I’ve been given is 185 dollar. It’s not cheap, but I guess that’s normal if it’s a special command to modify an existing product. If anyone is interested, contact me and I will forward info/questions about this solution. I myself do not get something out of this, except for a possible solution to my (and others)  problem.
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RE: Taking off mask at sleep - alarm as solution?
How about putting this knightbridge headgear on OVER the headgear of the mask....  It would make taking the mask off very difficult.  supplier # 37 on the suppliers list at the top of the site.
Apnea (80-100%) 10 seconds, Hypopnea (50-80%) 10 seconds, Flow Limits (0-50%) not timed  Cervical Collar - Dealing w DME - Chart Organizing
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RE: Taking off mask at sleep - alarm as solution?
Staceyburke makes a great suggestion. Also, I wonder whether you can create a simple barrier to prevent yourself from turning the machine off. Maybe just a simple plywood trough that you invert over the machine?
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